c h a p t e r 40 | the best decision

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Authors Note

Hey I know it's been so long since I updated this story but I figured it wasn't my best work so I stopped writing altogether. After reading your comments I realize many of you love this story so I will be posting the chapters which I never ended up uploading.

Below is a picture showing the dates these chapters were last edited and created in 2018. This also includes the second part of this story Saving Haze part 2.

My writing has evolved throughout that time so these chapters don't necessarily reflect my writing abilities. These chapters are unedited and once I have time I will edit them.

Thank you for supporting me throughout this journey, enjoy!

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Thank you for supporting me throughout this journey, enjoy!

Thank you for supporting me throughout this journey, enjoy!

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The bar was pretty empty inside a few people were still passed out in a couple booths and others were still talking to the bartenders.

I approached the bar facing the guy wiping down the surface. "Hey I'm here for Luckys dad." I said.

The man looks up pointing over to the corner booth where Steven is sleeping. I rolled my eyes at this asshole. As you can tell I didn't favor him.

"Hey." I said once I got to him. I nudged his arm shaking him around a bit. Nothing. I pulled him up from the seat putting his arm over my shoulder so I could drag him out.

"Woah." Steve says waking up. He passes out again leaving me to do all the work. I put him in the front seat where he slouches down. "Where am I?"

"Get some rest old man. We'll be home soon." I said starting up the engine.

"Haze?" He says.

I look over at him and then back at the road. "Yep."

"Damn you saved my ass back there. I never get this way y'know?" He says making me furrow my eyebrows at him in confusion. "But after the doctor says I have a tumor and maybe only a year to live. Who cares anymore right?" He slurs. Tumor? Wait was this guy serious?

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