c h a p t e r 19 | she was pregnant

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So the challenge began making it completely and utterly enjoyable to watch Haze struggle as he saw me lounging around the room in a oversized T-shirt of his. I would occasionally bite my lip even just to see him close his eyes and groan inside.

"All you have to do is let me outside." I chuckled softly. "It's really not that hard."

Haze rolls his eyes. "What if I just touched you anyway?"

"That's not apart of the rules." I said.

"Forget the rules." He said trying to reach over for me but I turned away again. Maybe I had finally let him catch me like I did oh so long ago? His arms wrapped around me as I felt that warm home feeling I always got when I hugged him.

Then the horrible wash of guilt surfaced as I remembered all the tragic events that led up to this moment. I wish I could just go back to the day when I first met him, like I could try to restart something I had started that day.

The butterfly effect of horrible misfortunes.

"I'm sorry." I let out. "I'm really sorry Haze."

"You don't have to be sorry for anything." He says looking into my blue eyes. "I don't want you to feel that way."

Tears start to fill my eyes, blurring my vision. But I smile I smile because there's this little bit of hope I have knowing it's going to be alright.

"I want a puppy."

So here I was home alone once again being held hostage by my friends.

"Hey." Aspen says walking through the door with a box in her hands. "Haze and I went back to your apartment when we realized you'd left, we found a few things we thought you wanted back." She puts the box next to me on the bed sitting at the edge.

I grab it and lift it open, the first thing I see is my leather jacket.

"Haze picked that up." Aspen says pointing at it. Just below it were some more clothes a few pictures I had and my mother's necklace.

"I kinda feel bad I left this behind." I said picking up the bracelet Haze had gotten me on my birthday. It was a bit scratched up by now.

"Pretty sure they'll be plenty more where that came from." She says.

I put it around my wrist before continuing to look through the box. I thought I had lost everything but clearly everything I needed was already here.

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