c h a p t e r 03 | working with victor

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I stood above my gang watching as they began questioning me as their leader. Crazy right? I had just told them about reuniting the Adjacent's and Walkers. They didn't take it to lightly.

"No!" Someone shouts.

"We want blood for blood!"


"They killed your father!"

"Just because her boyfriends one she's going soft!"

"Everyone clam down." I said. "Victor is still out there and who knows what type of plan he wants to pull against us? He could come after your children. Come after everything we've built together."

The crowd began to settle but whispers could still be heard. "Who will be are leader?"

"I will still be your leader but until further notice will we re-elect only one leader." I said. "Whether it be a Walker or Adjacent."

"We'll work together to take down Riverson!"

"No!" I said.

"This isn't going as planned." Val says. We walked off leaving with nothing but are members riled up to defeat Riverson. "Look why don't Vince and I calm them down. Isn't it your weekend to see Haze?"

"I can't leave now." I said gesturing to inside.

"Yes you can." Val says. "We'll take it from here. Go." She pushes me.

I was a little nervous to see Haze again especially after three weeks that have gone by without him. I got back home to where my bag had been sitting already packed for the weekend. Haze offered to pick me up but I thought the drive would clear my head.

"See you in a couple days." Vince says hugging me. "We got it covered I'll call if anything's up."

"Thanks again." I said tying my bag to my bike which fit perfectly. "Be carful?"

Vince nods. "Will do."

I flipped the lens down on my helmet and drove off. The ride took me little over and hour since I didn't rush or anything. The university was larger than I expected. I went down a few more blocks reaching the dorm building Haze gave me the address to. I pulled off my helmet and placed it on my seat turning around to take a look around.

People were looking of course. They weren't used to seeing a girl ride on a motorcycle?

My eyes quickly met with Haze's who was just across the parking lot. My feet seemed to fly over to him where I jumped into his arms like in those cute instagram videos. I almost held on for dear life until I fell back on my feet. Are lips quickly met which led into a full on PDA moment.

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