c h a p t e r 09 | kill me now

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I really needed to start practicing again, I ached in pain as I sprung up from my bed and got ready for the day.

"You alright?" My dad asks as I slowly make my way downstairs.

I nodded. "Just peachy."

"Your straining Elaina you need to train before you start going back out there to fight."

"I know." I sighed.

"They called me in to work today so I'll see you later alright?" He tells me kissing my forehead before walking out the door.

Until Jackson came my day was spent eating chips and popcorn on the couch as I watched the twilight series. There was a knock on my door so I muted the TV trying hard to listen to the visitor.

"She's not home."

"Can you shut up?"

I rolled my eyes walking over to the door and opening it. "What can I help you with?" I said looking up at Hazes very attractive eyes. "Why didn't you just break in like last time?"

"Funny." He says letting himself in along with his friends who seem to follow him everywhere.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Breaking dawn! My favorite!" Quinn shouts plopping himself on the couch.

"Have you seen a blonde girl around here? I mean you seem to know everything." Haze said sarcastically. Blonde girl? He was talking about me.

"You do realize blondes are everywhere right?" I laughed.

"I know you fight Elaina and so does this girl she's just way better."

I scoff. "Sure."

"Leave my house before I call the police." I then added.

He smirks at me. "Well your no help have fun on your date Elaina cmon guys."

How the hell did he know about my date? It wasn't even a date more like some friends hanging out.

I groaned inside as I closed the door and locked it. Haze always got my blood boiling for some reason and now he was on a quest to find a blonde girl that was me?

I did tell them I had no house maybe he was just worried a girl like that was out there all on her own. Then again it's Haze Grey.

"Hey." I said to Jackson as he walked up to my front door. He wore a nice navy blue shirt and jeans with a pair of those fancy church looking shoes. I didn't own anything appropriate for church or fancy dinners with the queen, I owned three leather jackets black pants, leggings and multiple sweats and graphic t-shirts.

I definitely didn't belong in this place. Everyone looked so classy and looked at me as the odd one out. It never bothered me much I just felt bad I was here with Jackson looking like and idiot.

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