Chapter 37 (:

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Julie got through the first round. Carla did too, but unfortunately, so did Machitha.

The next round was the quiz round. This was her favorite round. She had asked her brother to ask her as many questions as he could on the quiz list, and she always managed to get all the answers right.

Julie grinned, ready to rock this one.

"You know the rules. Highest scorer out the three will be selected, first one to beep, answers, and scores, no second chances, and only 50 will be selected out of the 150 students participating. "

The commentator grouped us all into three and numbered our groups. The groups were done in increasing order. So Julie was with number 203 and 234.

She was shocked when she realized 234 was Machitha!

"You!" Machitha exclaimed, looking annoyed.

Julie just looked away.

"I told you, I'm here to win it. "

"So am I," Julie said, confidently.

"We'll see."

The rapid fire session started, and Julie was in the 34th group. Carla was in the eighth. She was pretty confident with all her answers,and won this round as well.

Soon, it was Julie's group.

"Break a leg," Machitha said.

"For real," Julie muttered.

Girl number 203 seemed pretty timid. She was very tiny compared to Machitha, and if you looked closely, you could see her chattering, but you could see the determination in her eyes.

"Alright, girls. Your rapid fire of twenty questions will begin now." the commentator said, as she took out a few hand cards.

"Question number one, how many yahoos does the hockey base line chant have."

The timid girl beeped, and proudly answered, "Eight."

"Wrong. Minus five points for 203."

Julie immediately hit the beeper. "Thirteen."

"Correct. Plus ten points for 205."

Machitha scowled.

"Question number two, in which year did Martha Canoola invent the backhead V jump?"

This time Machitha beeped the beeper.


"Correct. One point for 234."

Machitha looked smug.

"Question number four, complete the chant. K.E.I.G.H.T.L.Y"

Julie grinned and hit the beeper. It was her favorite cheer.

"Correct, plus 10 points for 205."

And the round continued upto the twentieth round.

"The score is 45 for 203, 75 for 205, and 85 for 234. This last question will declare the winner. Question number TWENTY, what tumble and stunt make the Viscera Cheer?"

This was a hard one. Machitha was frowning too.

Aha, Julie thought. "It's the buckhead tuck tumble, and the backhead stand," she said, confidently.

The commentator frowned.

Oh no, Julie thought. Was I wrong. Machitha was smiling big. Guess the answer is wrong, Julie groaned.

"That is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. Although we have a problem here. You both are tied. There's no time for a tiebreaker. So we'll see in the next round. Winners to my right, please. Other contestants, to the left. Group 35 please," the commentator announced.

Julie came down the stairs, but was stopped by Machitha.

"Just because we both won this round doesn't mean you have won yet. Just watch me get through," Machitha sneered.

What was this girl's problem? It's not like we are competing against each other. Julie sighed.

"Hey, what's wrong? You won this round! Cheer up!" Carla squealed.

Julie smiled. "Yeah but a certain someone isn't letting me."

"I heard that." Machitha said.

"Whatever," Julie cringed.

"Forget her, come on, we'll watch the rest of the rounds! I can't wait! Besides we need to revise for our pop quiz!" Carla replied.

"Pop quiz?" Julie asked, puzzled.

"No you silly! The kind of stunt, tumble, and jump the judges might ask."

Julie and Carla revised their basics.

"Okay dears. Round two has come to an end. A quick 15 minute break, and we'll start with round three."

Synthia came running to Julie.

"OMG! YOU WERE AMAZING OUT THERE!! GIMME A HUG!!" Synthia practically shouted.

Julie hugged her really tight. "Really?" she asked.

"Duh! You were the best!"

"Oh right, Synthia, this is Carla, Carla, this is Synthia."

Synthia said hello, and Carla smiled shyly.

"You were pretty good out there, too," Synthia said.

"Thank you," Carla blushed.

Julie and Synthia were talking about the other contestants and what she needed to work on more, when the commentator began her announcement again.

"Sorry for the inconvinience, contestants. Due to the immense competition, round three will be twerked a little. You'll be given two minutes to think of a proper cheer, given the four elements of cheerleading. You will have less time to execute, so please, be quick in your thinking. Contestants one to ten, please come to me for your elements of surprise."

Synthia wished Julie good luck and left, but soon, Mrs. Nina came walking down, with a frown on her face.

"I can't beleive they changed the rules. But I guess it's only fair. I'm sure you can do this though, Julie." Mrs. Nina said, patting Julie on the back.

"But we never practiced this!" Julie whimpered.

"Yes, but a test for a good cheerleader is this, don't you think?"

"Yes, but,"

"No buts. You're fighting for your life. You need to do this, okay?"

"Alright," Julie said, sighing.

"Now watch what the others are doing, and see if you can get an idea. Good luck."

"Thank you!"

Julie watched all the contestants one by one, almost missing her cue for getting her elements. Phew she thought, two minutes isn't even enough! What if I had to do it on spot? Julie shuddered.

The commentator handed her a card.

Toe touches, basketball chant, back handspring , back tuck tumble

Julie heaved a sigh of relief. At least she knew what they were and was fairly confident of executing them. Now, she just had to put it together.

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