Chapter 35 (:

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The whole week was super busy for Julie. She literally camped in Mrs. Nina's house. But she had gotten to know Rhona and her mom more than anything and she absolutely enjoyed their company.

Diara and Synthia were getting along fine. They weren't friends yet. But at least they didn't throw snobbish comments at each other.

They would drop by at Mrs. Nina's house to check on Julie, and give her the assignments.

Julie was surprised to see them both together the first day of that week.

"Did you two make up or something?"

Diara coughed and Synthia looked embarassed.

"No. Not really. I decided to cooperate for you," Synthia said.

"WE decided to cooperate for you. Both of us wanted to help you out."  Diara said, shooting daggers at Synthia.

Julie rolled her eyes. "You have no idea how glad I am to hear that! I love you, Synthia! And Diara dear, I hope we become good friends again soon."

Julie smiled so geniunely that Diara fought back her tears. She was such a witch to her that it made her really ashamed. After all these years. 

What changed her mind was the day Julie supported her from Synthia. The girl she was inseparable from. The girl who was her soul sister. Diara was suddenly desperate to be Julie's soul sister once again. She terribly missed her. Even when she was so mean to her. 

All these years of malice and jealously was finally getting to her.

"We will, definitely," Diara said, smiling back.

After that, the three of them were having a great time. Both the girls were shocked to see what Julie had transformed into. She was a first rate cheerleader.

"You'll get into Chipgal for sure," Diara said, one day.

"I hope so," Julie said wistfully.

"Come on now, stop brooding. Let's do this again," Synthia said, trying to cheer up the environment.

And the day of the Auditions finally came.

JANUARY 28TH, 2014.. 

Julie desperately tried to sleep the day before. When it dawned on her that she was too anxious and excited, she asked her mom for sleeping pills, because she NEEDED the rest before D-DAY!

The whole atmosphere that morning was pretty frenzy. 

Julie was hollering at everyone because she was just so nervous. The auditions were from 11 to 5, and there were going to be four rounds. 

Only 7000 can even APPLY for the APPLICATION. You had to send a copy of your perfomance and give them a reason as to why you should be given the application form. You should also have top notch grades, so that they can be sure you'll manage both academics and cheerleading. It wasn't a University EXCLUSIVELY for cheerleading. But they did also give priority for cheerleading and stuff.

Round One was the freestyle routine. You get to make your routine to impress the Judges. It had to be absolutely unqiue in order for you to get selected.  From the 7000 people chosen, only  1000 people get selected for the next round.

For the second round, the judges ask you the twenty twenty game questions. There will be three people competiting per game. And the person who scores the highest in two minutes, gets selected. 2500 people get selected for this round.

For the third round, the judges give you a particular chant, stunt, tumble, and jump. And the marks are based on the creativity, speed, accuracy, and confidence. Only 500 people get selected for this round. 

And the last and final round, the final lucky 320 people get admitted. A personal interview as to why you should be given admission.

Julie felt goosebumps all over her hands. The thought of being one of those lucky 320 people simply thrilled her. 

Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Nina took Julie shopping for her cheerleading dress. Mrs. Roberts had an eye for colors and designs, and Mrs. Nina was apt in choosing the model of the dress. As a result, the outfit was an amazing one.

It was sleeveless top, that was just long enough to expose her belly button. It had a blue green shade, outlined with gold on her neckline, backline, and sleeve line.

 The bottom was a divided skirt, that come right to her slim mid thighs. It was a dark shade of turquiose sprinkled with silver glitter.

Her hair was in french braids. It was a rule to not wear accessories that could disrupt your routines.

And to complete her outfit, she got purplish black flat boots.

At around Ten o clock, Julie was ready.

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