Chapter 22 (:

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Muttering to herself the whole way, Julie literally marched up to her. Her

mother was waiting for her. Her shock was prevalent too.

Julie could distinctly hear her mother say, “She was right. It wasn't as bad as she described it. It's much worse.”

“Julie, let's go to the doctor. You haven't had your well baby check yet, this year, remember? You kept having it postponed. I'm booking it today. Let's go.”

“Mother, no! Can't it wait until after the recital? Please, mom! You have no idea how hectic things are.”

“I do. My point exactly.”

“Please mom. We will go right after the recital, okay? I promise you.”

Mrs. Roberts was thinking.

“Please. Mom! Don't think about it! Just say okay!”

She relented. “But right after the recital, okay?”

Julie relieved, said okay, and went to her room, to finish studying. Half an hour later, the door bell rang, and it was for her.

“Hey, wanna hang out? I thought we could go bowling today? And then have dinner outside. Your mom said it was okay.” Laurent asked. He was dressed in casual shorts. If he was shocked about how she looked, he didn't show it.

Julie hesitated. She had loads more to study. She wouldn't be free the next day. She didn't even have time to realize that it was her first date. Laurent wouldn't take no for an answer.

Julie sighed. “Okay, fine. Come in. I'll be down in ten minutes.”

Julie changed into her favorite clothes, blow dried her hair, put lots of compact to cover those dark circles under her eyes. Grabbing her purse, she went downstairs.

“Come on, let's go.” She told him.

Julie's mother told her to hang on for a second. Calling her to the kitchen, she hugged her, and told her to have a great time. Julie was puzzled. Only after a few seconds she realized that it was her first date, no matter how casual.

Trying to hide her excitement, she bid adieu to her mother and left with Laurent.

Bowling was fun. Julie managed to win three out of four times, but she suspected Laurent did that on purpose. He played like a pro, and for someone like that, it's impossible to lose to some amateur like her.

But her entire evening was spoiled during dinner. Laurent told her he didn't want tutorials anymore. He said he was fine.

“But why? We have one more chapter left. Why can't we finish that?” Julie asked.

“I would never have asked you to help had I known what you had been doing. I did know how hectic your schedule was. I'm not going to make you even more busy.”

Julie waved that off. “ It's not a problem. It never was. You were bright. It's a delight teaching you.”

Laurent did not smile.“We are done with tutorials, okay? I'm not asking you to teach me.”

“What about that one chapter?”

"I'll learn it by myself. I'm really lacking behind in my music sessions."

Julie's face fell. But she didn't say anything.

“Why?” Laurent asked.

“Why what?” Julie asked back.

“Why have you been going through this whole nightmare without telling us how horrible it's been for you?”

“Because it wasn't.”

“Liar. Yeah, it's been such a picnic for you. You are having the time of your life.” He said, sarcastically.

Julie scowled. “ You're acting like Synthia.”

“Maybe that's because she told me. And I'm glad she did. I never would have noticed.”

“That would have been better.”

“No it wouldn't. You are pale, Julie. You've lost a lot of weight. And even though you are cheerful we can see the strain in your eyes. I would have noticed all that, had I not been so much....” He trailed off.

Julie didn't pay attention.

“Take me home, “ she told him.

“But we just got here.”

“I don't care. Take me home before I start yell.”

“No. We aren't going home until you've eaten something.”

“I'll eat at home.”

“Haven't we heard that somewhere?” Laurent asked.

“Aurgh. You guys wont leave me alone, will you. I'm fine, seriously. And I was fine up till now. If there's any reason why I'm not, now, it's because of you guys. Take me home, or I'll walk home myself.”

Laurent sighed. “ Julie, please.”


Angry, he got up. “ Fine, if that's what you think of us. You've hurt yourself enough. It's our fault. We don't want you to hurt yourself anymore. But if that's what you want, fine.”

“I was fine before, and I'm fine now.”

The car ride was one of a very angry silence.

The two didn't even say bye. Her whole family was waiting for Julie eagerly. But their faces fell when they saw her angry face.

Jake muttered. “I was surprised it lasted this long.”

To that, Julie answered. “ So was I.”

She didn't have her dinner that day. On Sunday, she had the whole morning to herself. There wasn't any cheer leading practice, ballet practice and tutoring session. Waking up really late, she did her daily routine slowly, and enjoyed it.

 By Monday, she was feeling slightly renewed.

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