Chapter 21 (:

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Back at Diara's, there was a heated arguement.

"Come on, baby," Diara purred, trying to kiss Laurent. 

Laurent pushed her away. Diara was shocked. Did he just push her? The Queen bee of the school? 

"Okay what was that for," Diara said, irritably.

"Ms. Elmore confronted me about the failing grades in Chemistry and Biology and asked me why I was doing well in Literature and social studies, and not chemistry and biology." 

"So? What's that got to do with us making out?" Diara asked, stupidly.

Laurent shook his head. Was this girl for real? "Look. I wanna stick around. And if I'm going to stick around, I really need to bring my grades up. I have music sessions, and the seminar thing coming up. We really need to get serious. I'm honestly not in any mood for this nonsense."

Laurent had no idea what was happening to him. He felt he was becoming a really serious student. He thought of Julie, and started smiling. She had changed him a lot. From a player, he was slowly but surely turning into a very serious student, and also a better person on the whole. 

In all the conversations that they had, Julie had always managed to snub Laurent in the face, whenever it came to his arrogance. The more they spoke, the more Julie started talking about herself, her dreams, what she wanted to accomplish and stuff, the more Laurent started liking her. Geniunely.

Lately, he was very disturbed by the bet he made. He couldn't believe he was so stupid. Ryan time and again never let him forget. Everytime they crossed paths, Ryan would be pointing to his watch.

"Earth to Laurent. Why are you smiling like a ten year old with an ice cream cone? And you're drooling? Ugh! That's gross." Diara scowled.

Shoot. That was embarassing, he thought. "Okay, so shall we start studying?" 

"And what if I say no," Diara asked, starting to make a move.

"Simple. I'll ask Julie to teach me the rest." Laurent got up, and without another word, and pretending to be oblivious to the protests by Diara, he left.

What happened to him, Diara thought. This is bad. This is really bad. Julie is turning him into saint. This calls for an emergency plan. Dialing Ryan's number, she said, "It's time to put things into action."


Laurent called Julie that night, and asked her if she could take Chemistry and Biology.

"Why? Is anything wrong between you and Diara?" Julie asked, concerned.

Laurent cursed under his breath. 

Julie didn't understand what was going on. But she decided to help, cause he seemed like he really need help. She knew he was flunking. Hmm. I wonder why, she thought.

If Julie understood what happened between him and Diara, she didn't show any sign.

"So, will you," he asked.

"Yeah okay," Julie said sighing.


Julie was distraught. How was she going to take extra classes for him? But the only reason why she agreed was because she was starting to enjoy his company. He was a very funny and entertaining person, and he seemed to geniunely care about her, when she told him about her life and dreams. She was very curious about how he was brought up. It made her wonder time and again, how she wasn't crazy about him before. Julie was starting to think she was falling for him. But she couldn't be sure. She didn't even know if what she felt was love.

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