Chapter 15 (:

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Diara was waiting to put plan B into action. She just couldnt wait. 

"Hey Ryan, " she said. "You know what you have to do, right?"

"Yeah. Chill. I'm not gonna let some new kid reign already. And besides, you're mine for sure." Ryan said, snaking an arm around Diara's waist.

"We'll see." Diara said, smirking.

Around fifteen minutes later, Laurent parked his Porshe, and came out of the car like James Bond. Diara swooned, but she regained her composure.

"Hey Laurent," Diara cooed.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Hey what's up, man," he said, fist bumping Laurent. "Julie's next door neighbhor eh? That's really unfortunate."

That perked Laurent's interest. "Why so? She's the hottest girl in this school!" 

Diara looked miffed. " Excuse me?" She said, glaring at Laurent.

Laurent looked sheepish." Pardon my mistake. Second hottest," he said, winking.

"She's NEVER dated anyone before. Trust me. All the hottest guys have already tried asking her out a million times. She's just plain stubborn. It's like she's a hot nerd. Highly annoying."

"Ha! That might have been before I came," Laurent said, smirking. 

"Your suicide." Ryan said.

"Oh please."  Laurent scoffed.

Diara stepped on Ryan's foot.

"Oww! Okay so here's the deal. I'm here to propose a bet. If you succeed in Julie going out with you, you get Diara, AND you get to be the king of this school. However, if you happen to lose, you have to leave from this school. You have one year."

Oooh. Challenges. He loved challenges. Especially one that involved girls. 

"The bet's on. But I wont need more than a month." Laurent said, arrogantly.

"You can take as little time as you want. But no longer than a year." Ryan said.

"Okay." Laurent said, extending his palm. Ryan shook it. And Diara acknowledged the bet. 

"One more thing. Not a word to Julie about this bet, or the bet is off." Laurent said.

Ryan shrugged. "You'll lose, even otherwise." 


The classes went on as usual. But still, the whole school was abuzz about Laurent. Obviously. Who wouldn't be crazy about this actor. Me, Julie thought. I would probably be the only one who wanted to avoid him. But my friends wont let me, as long as I'm with them.

During lunch, Laurent was about to come over to Julie's table and join her, but Diara came in the way. She was pretty loud, and so Julie could hear her saying that he should sit next to them, so that they could decide when he could come over, or when she could. Laurent looked at Julie helplessly. She shrugged and told him it was okay.

Julie whispered to Synthia. “I don't want to tutor him. What do I dooooooo? I feel so helpless! He blackmailed me into tutoring him.I have so much on my plate.”

Synthia looked down at her plate. “Yeah, lots of lettuce and broccoli. Yuck, oh yeah, and spaghetti.”

“Seriously?” Julie rolled her eyes.

Synthia shrugged. “It's your wish. But I guess you're teaching Laurent now, though?”

“I didn't ask him yet if Diara could teach him instead.”

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