Chapter 6 (:

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Chapter Six

At 6 o clock, Julie came down for dinner. Bryan and Jake weren't home yet, so it was just her and her mother. She was starving. She didn't have anything to eat from 11!

“ So, what happened today?” Mrs. Roberts asked.

“Oh, it was horrible, mother. I lost the captaincy. I am Vice captain.”

“You what? Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.”

“ Well, we got a new coach. I wasn't prepared. And my routine was sort of messy. I didn't get time to practice.”

Julie started crying. “Diara is the captain. Her outfit was fantastic, and her routine was really good too. And she's so beautiful. And she's got this aura around her that makes everyone wanna give her everything. It's just not fair! And I don't know where I went wrong. I know I'm really good!”

“ Aw, honey, don't be so hard on yourself. I'm pretty sure there wasn't anything wrong with your routine. Don't worry about it. And don't you need this time to practice for your Chipgal Auditions? With you being the leader, where did you ever have time? You were called for football meetings everyday till last year! Now focus on what you have to do now than brood over it. Now what's your new coach's name?”

“ Mrs. Nina.”

“Ahh, French, ain't it. I think I know that name from somewhere.”

“ She is new, mom, but I don't know if she's from France though.”

“ I can't figure out where I heard that name. What is her full name? I will tell you when I figure it out okay?”

“I don't know her surname, but I can find out if you want me to.”

“ That will be great. I wont be able to rest, if you don't. I had a really hectic day today. I might have to work night shift today too. There is this client, who seems to be in such a bad shape. Her husband has just died. And his relatives are greedy people. They were rich, very rich in fact, and so he left her a huge amount. These relatives are like she blackmailed him or something, so I have to work that out. I need to get information from other people on how good she is, and how she wont hurt a fly and you know, really

trivial things like that. It's going to be hard work, but nothing I can't pull off, I hope.”

Julie smiled. “We all know how amazing you are, mom. You have cracked like almost 23 cases, this being your 24th one. And you haven't lost even one. It's no wonder you are so famous. I need to do a little bit of math. We have a surprise test coming up, and I need to be prepared. So I am going up.”

Julie finished her lunch, washed the dishes, cleared the table and then went up to her room.

Julie took out her math reader, sat on her bed and started going through it. She had only finished a chapter till she started remembering what had happened today. Slowly, the entire day's events came crashing down on her and she slept, feeling really tired.

Julie so badly wanted to get into Chip Gal University, Utah, where they train cheerleaders for international games and give them proper education. The only difference was, a lot of attention was given to cheer leading practice, unlike all the other universities. It was the most reputed college in that field, and only 320 people got in out of like 7000 to 8000 people who try out.

Being a cheerleader was hard work. You have to stay in shape, and you also have to practice your routines, and everything has to be perfect. But it was also refreshing and really fun. It gave Julie so much of joy and happiness. People like dancing, and singing. Cheer leading was a bit of both. But you had to be really creative too.

Around 7 pm, Mr. Roberts had come home.

Julie woke up with a start after hearing her father's voice. She ran downstairs and hugged him.

“Here you go, my lady. How did your tryouts go? Are we going to miss having you around most of the time, like every year we usually do?” He handed over a bouquet of flowers to Julie, and kissed her on her forehead.

Like her mother, Julie's father was also very supportive of his daughter's

dreams. They were very precious to her.

Though Jake and Bryan always used to tease her about it, they understood and accepted her passion, and would always be there at games, to just watch her cheerlead.

“ Oh dad, don't even ask. We got a new coach. And I'm vice captain.”

 “That's fantastic, honey.”

 Oh, typical dad. He obviously wouldn't haven known the difference between vice captain and captain.

“Vice captain.” 

“Huh. That's great, right?”

"Oh, forget it.” Julie said, rolling her eyes at her mother, her mother smiling and shaking her head. 

“David! You'll never change.” Mrs. Roberts said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

 “Am I missing something here?” David asked, looking complete bewildered.

Julie winked at her mother, and said sweetly to her dad, “ No dad.”

 Her dad unintentionally made her feel better. It was kind of refreshing that he didn't know the difference between vice captain and captain. Seriously!

Feeling relieved, she went back to her room and started working out her math questions, and then her writing skills essay. Eleventh was very hard. They were given a lot of homework, and there was so much study.

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