Chapter 11 (:

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“STOP!” Julie shouted.

The car screeched and came to a sudden halt.

“What now?” Laurent said, slightly disheveled at the sudden maneuver.

“I need to go back home. I forgot to get my whale project. The one I showed

you, remember? It's due today, and if I don't bring it today, I will lose my

extra credit.” said Julie, as she was getting out.

“Where are you going?”

“I can't ask you to take me back! You will be late!”

“Nahh, I don't care. I said I will give you a ride. I can't just leave you there in the middle of the road. Now, don't say anything more. Just get in.”

“B...Bu..but,” Julie stammered.

“Get in.” Laurent said, firmly.

Julie sighed. “Alright. I'm so sorry.”

Laurent didn't say anything. He took them back home. Julie ran to her room, got her project, and said to her stunned mother, “I'll

explain later.” and then ran back to the car.

“Let's go. This has never happened to me before. I've never forgotten something so important.” Julie said.

Laurent obediently started the car.

But he didn't need Julie's help for the directions. He remembered, causing Julie to say, “You have amazing memory.”

Laurent smiled. At around 8:00, they got stuck in a traffic jam. They reached exactly at 8:10. But something happened that Julie didn't expect.

A huge crowd of girls crowded around Laurent, almost squishing Julie and her project. One girl even tripped over her and made her drop her project, and in the commotion, one of the girls stepped on her project, causing it to be ruined. Julie was nearly in tears. She pushed past the crowd, with Laurent following her. 

As luck would have it, Julie got her very first tardy slip, but then Laurent had it worse. He came late on his first day of school. Julie was feeling terrible. Because she made him late AND her project was ruined!

She asked Laurent what classes he had. They shared the same English and math classes. Laurent chose choir, and football, while Julie took track and ballet.

She led Laurent to their homeroom class. Flushed, Julie asked permission to enter their class.

Their English teacher, a petite beautiful blonde, Ms. Cathy had just given the entire class a lecture on being late.

Ready, Set, and Cheer!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें