Chapter 39 (:

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Meanwhile, Laurent was preparing for his live concert. 

He had had less than a week to prepare for his song. His recording instructor had warned him against it but Laurent didn't listen. The Manager was very angry, but couldn't get Laurent to listen to him. In the end, he helped Laurent choose the songs, and helped him practice for it.

Laurent was in misery about the whole thing with Julie. He had spoken to his dad about it the day after the National essay competition results.

"Dad, I want to talk to you about something." 

"Sure, go ahead, son" Mr. Nicolas said, looking up from his work.

Mr. Nicolas was a burly man of 50 years. He still had full hair on his head, and although Laurent had taken off after his mother, there was an uncanny resemblence between him and his father.

"I'm not sure how to begin." Laurent said, sighing.

Mr. Nicolas grinned. "Is it about a girl?"

Laurent looked at his dad, shocked. "How did you guess?"

"Well I've been hoping for so long that you'll ONE day come to me about a girl," he said, winking. "Alright, what is it?" 

"I think I love this girl.  No, I know this girl, and I messed it up. Really bad."

"Start from the beginning."

"It all started cause of my inflated huge ego, and a stupid bet I made."

"Ahh, I see. What was the bet about?"

"To make Julie go out with me."

"And she found out about it, huh?"

"Yes, exactly. But what she doesn't know is that in my attempt to make her fall in love with me, I fell for HER instead."

"What did you come to Seattle for?"

"For the live performance and to get away from her, to let me concentrate because I'm so heartbroken."

"Then make the best use out of it. You're singing songs. You know what to do."

Laurent's face lit up. 

"That's an amazing idea, dad! I knew I could count on you!"

"And when you leave Seattle, I'll be leaving with you. God, I miss your mother and Rhona so much."

"Sure thing, dad."


And that's when Laurent got a brilliant idea.

"Okay, you ready, son? I've picked out a tux for you." Mr. Nicolas said, looking really smart himself.

"I'll be ready in a minute, dad," Laurent said, taking the tux from his father.

After Laurent got ready, father and son, along with Laurent's manager, left in a limo.

The crowd reception he got was enormous.

Laurent walked to the stage after greeting all of his fans.

The mike was in his hands.

He was ready.







The crowd grew silent, as they watched her do back flips in the air, and followed by triple cartwheels and a split. And just as soon as the room became silent, the cheers erupted, followed by stamping of feet and cheer leading. “Give us more, give us more,” the crowd chanted. She turned to the three judges who were nodding at each other. Then they turned and looked at her. They gave her a smile and three perfect tens.

It was Julie's gut instinct. She remembered her dream, the best one yet. Closing her eyes and hoping to make it actually come true, she had gone for it. And it did come true. Except much better. She was the third person to perform, and the first two didn't get cheers like that. Maybe I can make it, she thought.

"Break a leg, Machitha,"  Julie said, smiling.

Machitha scowled. "Yes of course you want me."

Julie groaned, not this again.

"Don't be silly. I'm a well wisher."

"Just cause you did really well doesn't mean I can't beat you. I told you, I'm here to win."

Julie smiled. She hugged a reluctant Machitha and wished her luck.

Machitha felt surprisingly comforted. She gave Julie a big smile. "Here I go." Machitha said.

She didn't recieve that big a cheer as Julie, but was equally as good. One could tell she had put her heart and soul into it.

348i was not bad, but she was sure the competition was soley between Machitha and her only. 

The commentator appreciated all the five contestants, and told them the results would be out in five minutes.

Julie decided to be with her family when the results were going to be out. For worse or better, she desperately needed their support. Julie called Carla and Machitha to join her. Carla came with her brother, and Machitha was grateful for the company. She was pretty nervous herself.

The commentator started speaking.

"Everyone did extremely well. But we have only one spot. The final spot goes to...." she began.

The spot light was lighting up on all the five contestants.

The commentator was frowning at her cards.

She got out her walkie talkie, and one of the judges was earnestly nodding her head. The commentator had a slight smile on her face.

"Okay we'll let the disco people show the results."

And the spotlight was on....

ONE place. But two people. Both Julie and Machitha were standing together.

"So who is it," Machitha shouted across the auditorium. "Me or Julie?"

The commentator smiled, and showed two fingers. 

Julie was puzzled. what was going on?

Mrs. Nina apparently understood what had just happened. It was one of the really rare cases.

She signaled for the mike, and said, "Congratulations Juliana Roberts, and Machitha Hilbert. You are now official Chipmunks."

Synthia screamed. And then Carla, and then Mary, Martha, and Andrea. And then Mrs.Roberts and Mr. Roberts. Bryan and Jake started whooping. 

AND FINALLY Julie screamed. Machitha just burst into tears. 

So while Carla and her brother was consoling Machitha, Julie was animatedly talking to her friends and family. She had hugged Mrs. Nina so tight, that she was literally choking her.

"You worked so hard for it, Julie," Mrs. Nina said, laughing.

Mrs. Nina wiped tears from her eyes, out of happiness. 

"My baby has achieved her dream," she said, smiling.

Julie beamed and hugged her mom and dad.

"You guys have been the bestest parents I could ever ask for!"

"Now now, no need for sentimental talks," Mr. Roberts said, kissing his daughter on top of her head. 

Julie laughed. Her dad!

"Okay, I really need to go the restroom. I'll be right back okay?" Julie said.

Everyone nodded, and Julie left for the restroom.

While coming back, there was an announcement.

"Juliana Roberts, please assemble at the recreation center. This is Detective Darren speaking."

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