Chapter 31 (:

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The moment Synthia knew Julie came back home, she rushed to her house. But she was shocked at what she saw. 

Diara and Julie were laughing like they were having the time of their lives. Diara happened to look towards Synthia's direction, and grinned big.

"Hey, come on," Diara called.

Synthia just glared. 

"Just what do you think you are doing," Synthia yelled, causing Julie to look up, in surprise.

"What? We are talking."

"Can I have a word with you, in private?" 

"No, whatever it is, say it in front of Diara."

Diara glanced at Synthia victoriously. But she was really surprised Julie was helping her.

"Did she hypnotize you?"  Synthia asked.

"No but I think you've been hynotized by a mad monkey," Julie said, angrily.

Diara guffawed.

"Julie! She's the reason for everything! Why Laurent wasn't talking to you! Why, they were snogging 24/7 the moment you were out of the picture." Synthia said. Shoot, that came out wrong.

Julie started tearing up. "You don't know half the story. Laurent played her. He played both of us."

Synthia couldn't believe it. Diara had brainwashed her.

"Julie! I can't believe you believe this woman who practically wrecked your life right from sixth grade."

Diara just watched the fight. She was starting to get really uncomfortable, but the next line stumped her.

"Past is past, Synthia. Let bygones be bygones. She's changed now. She's been deceived just like me. Diara can't it that Laurent was  scheming pig."

Okay, she's calling him names now. This can't be good, Synthia thought.

"Julie stop being unreasonable!"

"You can leave if you're going to say one more word about Diara or Laurent," Julie said, quietly.

"Bu-h" Synthia spluttered.

Diara tried to intervene, "Julie, she's your bes-"

"I don't need help from back stabbing cows," Snythia spat. "But I'm warning you. You're going to regret this."

"Leave." Julie said. "Come on, Diara, let's start studying."

Synthia turned around, before Julie could see her crying. What had Diara done to her best friend?

Julie was really upset about the whole fight, but Synthia was still supporting Laurent. Does she know what he did to her? How could she still support him?

Diara rubbed her back. "Julie, forget everything. I'll always be there for you." Diara said.

What? Did Ijust say that, Diara thought. What was happening to HER?

Julie was stiffling a few tears. Diara on an impulse, hugged her. So this was why he didn't want to tell her, Diara thought.

"I thought I loved him," Julie said, crying. "He was always there for me. He was the only one who could make me laugh, cry and be mad at the same time!"

"Maybe you should hear him out," Diara said, hesitatingly.

"Not you too." Julie thought.

Diara felt mildly relieved. She was being treacherous to her too. She hoped to god, that she never found out.

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