Chapter 28 (:

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Back to the present.

Diara continued to wail. "Laurent agreed to a bet based on you. He told Ryan that if he got you to fall in love with him, he would get me, and he would reign highschool, if not, he had to leave. I dated him for a week. And then I dumped him when Ryan told me about the bet, and that you fell for him. I thought he loved ME, and couldn't resist me! We both have been toyed with. I say we fight for justice. Let's get back at Laurent."

Julie's face turned white, the moment Diara told her this. That prick! He was so arrogant and annoying. Ugh! No wonder he begged to pick her up. Everything was a lie. Everything was full of lies. Even the whole Damsel in Distress thing was beginning to make sense. She had been fooled. Her first love. She was certain she was in love with him. But was it that obvious? Could he tell? Julie felt herself involuntarily blushing to her roots, out of embarrasment. 

Julie was desperately trying not to cry. She didn't want to look like a sissy to her. 

"Diara, let's work on this essay. We need to focus," Julie said, giving Diara a small smile, through her tears.

Diara couldn't believe it. Even after all this? She was still acting so brave? When will she break?

"Yeah, you're right." She said, wiping her tears.  

They worked in silence for another two hours, until Diara decided to leave. She gave Julie a hug, who was still trying not to cry, and headed for the door. When Diara opened the door, she gasped, "You! How did you even have the guts to show your face here. Get out of here right now."

Laurent calmly said," I'm not leaving until I can see Julie." 

Julie came to the front door to see what the commotion was all about, and stopped. If she was already white, Julie became transparent.  

But she moved forward, until her face was barely a few inches from Laurent's. 

Giving him a hopeful look, she asked him,"Did you make a bet? About me?"

Laurent stared into Julie's eyes for a long time, knowing that this was probably the last time he was going to be this close to her. His eyes were full of love, but could see the hurt and despair in Julie's eyes.

Laurent sighed, and took a step backwards. "Yes I did. But can I ex-"

Julie, in  a low voice, said," Get out of my house, right now. Before I call the police. "

Diara looked at Laurent with a victorious glint in her eyes.

Laurent looked sadly at Julie.

"I said, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!" Julie said, and fainted. Laurent pushed Diara out of the way, carried Julie to the nearest sofa, stayed with her till she got her conciousness back. However, the moment she woke up, he disappeared. 


Out of her life.

Julie found her mother at her side, gently patting her head. "Mom," Julie choked. 

"I know, sweetheart. I know. Laurent told me everything." Mrs.Roberts said, sadly. She knew the full story, and she wasn't happy with what Laurent did but she knew he loved her. Now wasn't the time to tell her, however. When the time was right, Julie herself would be willing to forgive Laurent.

"By the way, darling. Mrs. Nina came to see you. She wanted to know how you were doing. Remember I said I was wondering about where I had heard Mrs. Nina's name? Well I just found out. Her last name is Nicolas. She's Laurent's mom."

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