Chapter 25 (:

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Mrs.and Mr. Roberts, Synthia, and Laruent went to the hospital, in Laurent's car. Jake was to take Bryan back home.

Once again, Julie slept for two days straight. But this time she woke up on a hospital bed. She screamed. Julie sat up straight so suddenly causing her spine to snap a little.

“Owww, “ She wimpered.

The Nurse came running inside asking her what happened. “I need to see my mom!”

“Of course hon. How are you feeling now?”

“Still a little tired, but much much better! Thank you!”

The Nurse gave her wet wipes and went out to call her mother.

“ Aw, honey! We were so worried when you collapsed like that. Are you feeling okay now?”

“Yes mom! How'd I get here?”

She looked at the clock and gasped.

“How long have I been here? When can I go home?”

Mrs. Roberts laughed. “Slow down, sweety. You've been here like six days and Laurent brought you here. You've got us so worried!”

Synthia came in with a pile of papers. “Heyy Mrs. Roberts. Here's another

load...” She stopped when she saw Julie, ran to hug her and screamed,

“Ahhh! Julie! How are you feeling?”

“Owww, Syn! Haha, I'm feeling better. Much better!”

Syn still didn't let her go! “You seriously got us so worried. I'm not going to tell you 'I told you so' because you already know! I've been bringing all your homework!”

Mrs. Roberts quietly left, leaving the two girls together.

The next time Julie woke up, she found herself surrounded by blue bonnets, her favorite flowers. She asked her nurse who had sent them, but the nurse told her that the sender's indentity was not to be disclosed.

Synthia came into the room as usual, and was surprised to see the flowers as well.

"Wow! Looks like you've got a secret admirer, " Snythia winked. "Here's today's assignments."

“Haha no, I'm sure it was just a well wisher. Thank you so much though! I have a lot to catch up with! When can I leave? Today? Tomorrow?” said Julie, feeling excited. She was desperately hoping it was from Laurent.

Synthia hesitated. “Um, Juls, um, uh, you're going to have to stay here for at least another one week! You are anemic!”

Julie gasped! “No way! I can't! I have do the seminar! Noooo! OMG! AND the national essay competition!”

“Relax! We've got you covered! Laurent's taking over your sessions. And Diara too! And speaking of her and Laurent...”

There was another knock. But this time, two more people came! Andrea and her dad!

Andrea rushed over to her side and gave her a big hug. “How are you feeling? Everyone was so worried! Julie, THANK YOU SO MUCH for what you did. I can't believe that you would do so much for me! It meant so much!”

There were tears glistening in her eyes, and Andrea's dad held Julie's hand for a second and thanked her too.

Julie smiled. “Of course I would do that, Andrea! For a very sweet friend. Mr.Lee, seriously! Don't worry about it! It was my pleasure!”

He then enveloped Andrea and Julie into a bigger bear hug and he left Andrea with girls to catch up.

The following one week was a disappointment to Julie. She was hoping Laurent would meet her, but he never came even once to the hospital to visit her. Julie for the first time in her life, actually felt heartbroken. She was so upset. She moped and moped that one week.

She really missed him. His smile. His laughter. His eyes. The way he looked at her. Julie got goosebumps when she thought about him. 

Synthia however continued to bring in her assignments, and study sheets, which Julie always completed and submitted on time. However, her heart wasn't into it.

Julie decided to ask Synthia about it.

"Hey Syn, why hasn't Laurent visited me?" Julie asked.

"I don't know. He seemed pretty busy with the seminars." She replied, vaguely. And Diara, she thought.

Julie sighed. It figures. Laurent was a teen sensational singer. But why did she still feel so bad?

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