Chapter 16 (:

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At about 9:30, Julie finished what she had wanted to teach, and achieved much more. She was quite happy with herself. Laurent was a surprisingly good student.

“So, I guess that's about it. How'd you think the session went?”

“ It was fun. And I'm also pretty sure that what you taught will have stuck into my head, for a long time. Thanks Julie.”

Julie smiled. “Okay, I'll see you here, same time, on thursday.”

“Yeah. Okay. Bye.” Julie walked him to the door.

As she closed the door, she remembered she had to start two of her science projects. She had math, English, and biology homework. Oh well, I guess I can't study today, she thought.

Julie ate her dinner quickly. “Hey mom? Can you just leave the dishes in the sink? I'll clean the table after I finish my homework, okay?”

“Okay. But try to not to stay up so late. You have to go to school tomorrow.”

“Yeah mom.”

Julie left the dining room and headed upstairs. I'll start with science first, she thought. If I don't get started on it, then maybe I wont ever will. There's just so much of work to do.

Julie surfed on the net, and after an hour and a half, she got the material ready for both her projects. Julie sighed. She looked at the clock. OMG, it's already eleven.

Groaning to herself, she went downstairs, and did the dishes. At about 11:30, Julie was almost ready to fall asleep.

English homework, math homework, biology homework, she kept repeating to herself, like a mantra.

At 1:30, she couldn't take it anymore. She fell asleep on her books.

“JULIE! Wake up! It's seven o clock already,” Jake rapped on the door.

She woke up with a start. “What? Oh no! I still have a paragraph left to write in English. Ahh. And I didn't run today.”

In thirty minutes, she finished her homework, packed her time table, and dressed herself up. At 7:35. Julie came running down the hallway.

“Am I late,” Julie asked, looked ruffled.

“No, you have ten minutes left to catch the bus. Here, have a sandwich.” Julie took it gratefully, and munched on it ravenously. She was too busy doing her homework last night, that she hadn't realized that she was hungry.

Ding Dong.

Bryan opened the door.

"JULIE," He hollered.

Julie came running to see what the commotion was about.

Laurent said, “Let's go.”


"Please! Not this again! I thought we already spoke about this!"

Julie almost forgot. She sighed. "Okay. Hang on a second."

Laurent grinned big as he went back to his car.

Julie said. “Bye mom.”

"Ooooh somone's getting a rideeeeeee," Jake teased.

"Jakeeee." Mrs. Roberts warned.

Julie shot him a dirty look and left.

The moment Julie was at school, she felt all refreshed. Synthia came running to her locker.

“I thought we were running together today.”

“ I know. I thought we were, too. I overslept. I woke up at seven today!”

“Oh. Okay. We'll run tomorrow. We have to get started. The relay is not in less than two weeks.”

Julie raised her eyebrow. “Race you down the hallway?”

Synthia surveyed the hall. Not a soul was in that corridor.

“Okay. Second one treats the other,” said Synthia as she started.

“Hey, no fair. You started first!”

“All is fair in run and races.”

Julie made a face as she ran. “That doesn't even make sense.”

The two went to their classes. The rest of the day went on as usual. Julie was piled with homework from each subject, had loads more to study, and learned new steps in ballet and cheer leading.

Running was the worst that day. She kept stumbling in the beginning, but became more determined and did better later on.

In the car, Julie was extremely tired. She was exhausted. Laurent saw that. He wanted to say something but thought better of it, and instead just told her how his day went. Later, he played a few songs, and that was their car ride.

At Andrea's house, Julie, Andrea, and Synthia were practicing their steps. They weren't taught much, but they practiced for four songs straight.

“Okay, that's enough,” Julie said, gasping.

“ Come on Julie, just one more time. It has to be perfect.” Andrea said.

“Sorry Andrea, but we had to run today too.” Synthia said. Andrea's face fell.

“Okay, fine, just one more time.” Julie said, feeling a little bad.

Jake picked her up at ten. She had dinner at Andrea's house. Jake gasped when he saw Julie.

“OMG! What happened to your hair?” 

Julie inhaled sharply. “Oh no, what happened?”

“It's so messy. You look like a vagabond.”

Julie felt relieved. “Thank goodness. You got me scared. Who cares. It's ten in the night. Come on!”

Jake shook his head. “Okay, your majesty.”

“Shut up!”

At home, the dishes were already washed. She didn't have kitchen duty

that day. Thank goodness for that.

Dragging herself upstairs, Julie continued her projects, and completed her

homework. Knowing that she had to run the next day, she kept the alarm at


She looked at the clock. It was almost 1:45. I can't study today either.

She groaned. When in the world will she ever have time to study? Doing homework was okay. She always learned something but that wasn't enough. Hopefully I will try to catch up tomorrow, and with that thought, Julie fell asleep.

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