Chapter 34 (:

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The next day, Julie woke up at five, to start running again. She needed as much practice as possible. Mrs. Nina had told her to assemble at the ground at six. 

Stiffling a yawn, Julie wore her shorts, a tank top, and filled up her water bottles. She softly closed the door behind her, and took off. She was running all the way to her school. She barely managed to reach at six.

"Good. I'm impressed, Julie. Glad I didn't have to tell you to warm up." Mrs. Nina said, in her jump suit. "Shall we get going?"

"Yes," Julie exclaimed, flushed.

It was the last day of the year, and Julie felt this was the perfect way for her year to end and start! 

Nina Nicolas did her warm ups, and Julie followed suit, thorougly enjoying herself. Because it was a one on one session, Julie was able to do a lot of chit chatting with her teacher.

"Now, listen, Julie. We are going to be doing tedious practice. You are already amazing. But you need to work on a few things, if you want to nail three perfect tens. And as you would have already known, you can only get in if you have three perfect tens."

Julie solemnly nodded. She wasn't ready for professional cheerleading yet, although she did go for competitions and stuff. This was the real deal. "I'll work as hard as I can, Mrs. Nina."

"Good." Mrs. Nina smiled. "What you have been practicing all this while was just normal cheerleading for your school, and competitions amongst your schools. What you need to focus on now, is competitive cheerleading. The strengths are doing stunts. Luckily, since you've always been on the ground, you've got quite a good amount of practice with the stunts. But you need to be able to handstand, front flip, back flip, and full ons. Since there isn't any team work, you're going to have to prove that you are capable of taking any position on the team."

"Show me all the stunts you can do." Mrs. Nina said.

Julie easily demonstrated all that she knew. 

Mrs. Nina nodded appreciatively. "But you've got a couple of jumps and tumbles to learn. You have six kinds of jumps, okay? Touch toes, double hook, tuck, hurdler, pike, herkie, and double nine. Out of which, you know only touch toes. 

And then in the tumbles, you have back handsprings, cartwheels, misc tumbling, and standing back tuck tumbles.

 And then we'll move on to the types of cheers. They are: All Sport Crowd (Show) Cheer, All Sport Crowd (Time Out) Cheers,All Sport Sideline Chants,Basketball Free Throw Chants,Basketball Sideline Chants, Defense Chants, Football Sideline Chants,Hockey Sideline Chants, Volleyball Sideline Chants, and Wrestling Sideline Chants. You need  to show the judges that you know everything. Let's start planning the schedule. When are you free?"

Julie thought for a second and replied, "I'm free from 3 to whatever time every evening. And I can assemble in the morning at 5:30 if you want."

"What's the point in being neighbhors if we don't make use of it," Mrs. Nina winked.

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