Chapter 14 (:

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Chapter 14

Julie skipped all the way home. She couldn't wait to tell her mom and dad what happened today. It was the best day ever. She figured Laurent's first day of school couldn't have been better than this. The moment she thought about Laurent, she felt a bit uneasy.

When Laurent asked her about when he could come over for the tutorial sessions, she hadn't really anticipated that. She totally forgot about them, frankly speaking. She had no idea how to fit everything all in.

Everything came in October, November, and December. Her ballet performance on November 8th, her running races every friday right from October to the first week in November, her essay competition on December 21st , and it was in Washington DC! Her second term exams were in the first week of December, and then in January, she had cheer leading tryouts into Chipgal. Now, she had to teach Laurent as well. 

And he annoyed her like hell! 

“Mom, Dad, I'm home.” Julie yelled.

“Whoa, Julie, calm down. What's going on?” Dad said.

“I'm calling a family meeting. Right now. Is Jake and Bryan home?”

“You called, ” Jake asked.

“I'm here,” Bryan called out.

“Okay, perfect. Take your seat in the hall.”

“I'll be there in one minute,” Diana said.

Finally after five whole minutes, when everybody was settled down,

Julie started. “You guys wont believe what happened to me today. It was one heck of a day! The day started out really bad though. I forgot to get my project to school. Laurent had to take me back home all the way, and we both came so late to school. Ms. Cathy told me after school, that she's selecting me and Diara for the national essay writing competition, and a project presentation. Can you believe it?”

Jake interrupted. “Wait, is that good or bad? Cause Diara's in it too, right?”

“Jakee,” Diana warned. “Go on, Julie.”

“Okay, and then I had Ballet. Ms. Annabeth told me that she's selecting Andrea, Synthia and me for the ballet performance. The president is going to be there too! Oh, and I'm playing the wicked witch. Muhahaha.”

David said, “ Whoa, fantastic, girl. That's awesome!”

“Wait, there's more.”

Bryan's eyes became wide. “What? There's more? Wow.”

Julie ignored him. “Yeah, and then I went to track. And guess what he told me and Synthia? That we were going to be selected for the relays that started in October. OMG, right?”


And the everyone cheered.

After everyone quieted down, Julie went on. “ Well, we had cheer leading practice today. Mrs. Nina chose me to help her demostrate her routine. She said I was really good. Especially for doing it with her when she didn't even

teach. I guess I might really start to like her!”

“That's great, honey. But you didn't, by any chance ask her her name, did you?”

“No, mother. Oh wait. One more thing.”

Bryan gasped.

“Shut up, Bryan! Yeah, Ms. Cathy and Mrs. Elmore asked me to tutor him in English and math. How in the world am I supposed to fit everything all in. I have my tryouts in January and my midterm finals in December. What do I do?” Julie groaned.


For five whole minutes.

No one knew what to say. Jake broke the silence by saying, “Whoa. That's a biggie. I have no clue.”

Julie's mother said, “Whatever you do, and however you do it, we will all stick by you. How you do it, I guess, only you can decide, but we will help you. Alright honey?”

“Man. I knew it. Even if Julie isn't the captain, she still wont be around, that much.”

“Dad! You know it's not like that. I am so excited. But I really have no idea what I'm going to do!”

“Humph. You're going to be even more busier than I am.”

“You guys aren't even helping. I called a meeting only to ask for help. Gahh. Okay, I'll figure out something by myself. You are all dismissed.”

As Julie went back to her room, Bryan came behind her and said, “ If you want, I can help with your experiments or projects if you have any. I can help that way. I know you wont have any time.”

“Aww, that's really sweet. I'll keep that in mind, but I know how busy you are, without this to worry about. Thanks a bunch though.”

Bryan smiled. “I'm really sorry about Saturday morning.”

“Nah, that's okay. It was silly of me. Dreams are dreams.”

But Bryan said seriously, “Dreams can come true too. A lot of times. I know yours does too. You are super girl!”

Julie was speechless. She couldn't think of anything to say. The only thing that came to mind, was how could she ever have yelled at him. Ever. Ahh well. That wont happen again.

She went to her room to think. It was in the middle of September. She had a month and half for her ballet recital. Hardly two weeks for her relay. And exactly two months for essay competition.

And then, she had to teach Laurent during the evenings. Julie sighed. She didn't know what to do. But she did know one thing. She was Julie Roberts, and she always managed to do something. She figured she would be able to do something this time as well.

That night, they all had pizza and watched the movie, 'Meet the Robinsons' Julie's favorite movie, as a tribute to her success. And when she went to sleep, she smiled to herself, feeling that she was the luckiest person in the world to have the best family, friends, and teachers.

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