Chapter 29 (:

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The trip to DC wasn't as bad as Julie thought it would be. In fact she was actually enjoying herself. Mr. Lee heard about what happened and took extra care to pamper Julie.

He had upgraded her to business, and Julie watched all the latest movies, and laughed till her heart's content. She spoke to the grandma beside her, and revelled in her the stories of her grandchildren, and how they were similar to Julie. When the flight ended, Julie was most disappointed.

But she had many surprises to come. The ride from the airport was in a limosuine. A Limosuine! Julie had never been in one before, and was absolutely thrilled! Diara seemed to be enjoying herself as well. For the first time since fifth grade, they actually started getting along well.

"I've never had this much fun before," Julie said, her voice filled with glee.

"Me too! It's been way too long since my dad took me in a limo! Last I went, I was a frigging eight year old." Diara said, laughing.

Julie rolled her eyes. Typical Diara, but she laughed along.

A grand orchestra welcomed Julie, Diara, and Mr. Lee into the lobby of Stallions. A large banner decorated with balloons said,

"Welcome To DC, Julie Roberts and Diara Simmons"

Julie's face was flushed. She couldn't believe Mr.Lee did so much for her. As if that wasn't enough, he made arrangements to get her pampered at a spa. Julie felt a thousand times more relaxed after taking a nice hot shower, and what was she treated with? A brand new dress, that perfectly hugged her figure.

The three of them had dinner, and danced till their legs gave way.

The room had a splendid view of the entire city, and the moment Julie sank into her bed, she fell asleep.

The next day morning, the hotel arranged for sightseeing, and the girls posed like crazy. It was one heck of a day and Mr. Lee had a lunch meeting with the president and guess what? Julie and Diara actually got to meet Mr. President. They were very well behaved, and when questioned, both Diara and Julie intelligently answered, causing the president to be very impressed.

"We must need more citizens like you girls. The world would be a better and not to mention, prettier place," Mr. President said, affectionately winking.

Julie and Diara could not have been more thrilled.

The day unfortunately came to an end, and Julie started recollecting her essay pointers. And the next day, Julie felt refreshed and all set to go.

The topic for that exam was write about one emotion and the adventures it can take you through.

Julie smiled. She knew exactly what she was going to write about. It was a good thing her pen was waterproof, because at the end of the exam, Julie had a cried a whole bucket of tears.

It was time to go home. Julie and Diara wistfully bid adieu to Washington DC and came back home.

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