Chapter 9 (:

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What in the world just happened, Laurent thought slightly annoyed. Was she always a drama queen?

"How could you, Diara?" Synthia asked, seethingly. She got up and ran after Julie.

Trying to look good in front of himself, Laurent went after Julie too.

Julie was standing right outside the parlour trying to stiffle her tears. She couldn't bear the thought that Diara just rubbed it in her face. Did she forget all those times SHE was the captain? Did she forget all those times SHE brought them to the finals of every competition? No. She just had to rub it in her face that she lost to her. Once. 

"Julie, please," Synthia said, holding her arm. "What in the world were you thinking? Did you like WANT Diara to think that she won this round? Julie, you are much better than that! Come on! Compose yourself. What do you want Laurent to think about you? Especially now that you know him, personally, even though I don't know how."

"He hates me. I hate him. He's a narcisstic jerk. I couldn't care LESS about what HE thinks about me. But you're right. I shouldn't let Diara get to me."

"Hey, everything alright?" Laurent asked, running to where Julie and Synthia were standing.

Synthia was surprised. But Julie quickly wiped her tears, worried he had overheard.

"Yeah it's fine," Julie said, trying to smile.

"Come on then, let's go. We already  ordered your favorites."

Julie walked ahead, while Laurent stopped Synthia to ask her what had happened.

"I know she hates me, but I think she's really cool. She's like the first girl who hasn't smothered me."

Synthia coughed. "Well um, she wasn't really your biggest fan." She said, awkwardly. 

"Chill. I'll change that soon." He said, winking.

Synthia was taken aback. What the heck was that supposed to mean?

"What, are you guys coming, or not?" Julie asked.

"Coming." Both Laurent and Synthia said in unision. And then they both laughed.

Julie rolled her eyes and went into the parlour.

"Hey, sorry you guys. Just wanted some fresh air. Kinda felt sick." Julie said, to the other girls.

"Sick eh, " Diara smirked.

"Soooo, Laurent, please tell us about you. We already know everything about you! But we are dying to hear something from you! And maybe hear a song too!" Andrea said, shyly.

"What do you think you are doing?" Diara asked, annoyed. This was supposed to be her date!

"Erm, sure! What would you like to hear?" He said.

"Something you haven't told the press yet," Lydia pipped in.

Diara glared at her.

"Okay alright. Let's see...."

Laurent started talking about all his childhood series, and all the girls except Diara giggled. Diara tried to get in a word here and there, but no one paid any attention. John served their food, and Laurent thanked the waiter for the super delicious food. A little while later, Diara got so angry she decided to leave.

"Humph. I'm leaving," Diara cried.

For a second everyone was quiet.

And then everyone cheerfully said bye and continued talking. Even Julie seemed to be having a great time.

"Laurent, I need you to give me a ride!" Diara purred.

Everyone was aghast! She was suddenly treating him like a chaffeur.  But ever the gentleman, he got up, much to the dismay of all the other girls. 

Andrea almost teared up. "But we were having so much fun," she whined.

"Yeah, it was so much fun talking to y'all. But I gave Diara a ride, so I have to drop her off too."

He suddenly remembered Julie. "Hey Julie, should I give you a ride back home too? "

Diara suddenly butted in, "No, we need to go to dad's office, hon."

Julie smiled. "Thank you for the offer, but Synthia will take me home."

Synthia said," Sorry Juls, I'm going to my grandmother's. Wont be able to drop you off."

"What? you said you would drop me off!" She exclaimed.

"That settles it. I'll drop Diara off at her dad's office, and then take Julie home." Laurent said, with a matter of fact tone. He was about to pay the bill, but Martha said she would handle it. Laurent insisted however.

"Come on, girls, let's go." Laurent said.

Julie heaved a sigh while Diara looked at Julie with disgust, and left. Laurent, oblivious to everything, whistled and went to his car. Diara sat in the front while Julie sat behind and looked outside. Laurent tried to start a conversation with Julie, but her one worded replies made him give up.

"We reached, Diara. You may get down now! I'll go drop Julie off. I have some work to do later." Laurent said.

Diara didn't really need to go to her dad's office. But because she told Laurent that just so he needn't drop Julie, she had to get down. Darn my ideas. I'll just call Lydia or Grace to pick me up, she thought.

"Hey Julie, come to the front!" he said.

Julie obliged, while Diara watched what happened in dismay. Ugh! This isn't fair! 

Wait! I have a plan, Diara thought, smugly. She wasn't going to let Julie win that easily. This means war.

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