Chapter 7 (:

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Chapter 7

The next day, Julie woke up and looked out the window. She saw

Laurent with a little girl. Must be his sister. His sister is so cute, but he's really a pig, she thought, angrily.

Julie got dressed and came down. 

"Mmmm, hey mom! These cookies smell so good! Give me some!"

"Nuh uh! These are for Laurent and his family. Which YOU are so kindly gonna deliver for me because I have some work. And trust me, I'm doing YOU a favor!" Mrs. Roberts said, wistfully.

"No way, am I giving these to him! I hate his guts!" 

"Julie, watch your language. And yes you are. Stop being so stubborn. What is he going to do? He's not gonna bite you."

"Yes he is. He's an animal! But alright I'll deliver them. But don't expect me to be nice to him!"

"Thank you, darl."

Dragging herself from the table, Julie SLOWLY walked out the door and to his front lawn. Laurent saw her approaching and smiled.

"Hey, how are you," Laurent asked. "This is my little sister, Rhona. She's four years old.”

“ I'm good, actually. Hey Rhona! Aw, she is so cute,” Julie said.

"So, what brings you to my humble abode?"

Julie raised her eyebrow, wondering why he was being nice. 

"I was asked to deliver these cookies. Bye."

"Mmm they smell so good. I'm going out with a hot chick to this Diara Milk Parlour. Would love it if you would be there! I could use some normal attention for once. "

Julie snorted and as she walked back, she said,"Diara is going to be so pissed when she realizes you called the parlour her name. And we'll see." 

Julie thumped all the way back.

“My my, whatever did he do! Breakfast's on the table. And Synthia called to make sure you were coming today." Mrs. Roberts said.

"Yeah, Synthia's coming by, to give me a ride.”

Bryan came in at the moment, yawning. “She's here so soon? Wow. I need to show her my science project. She said she would help me with designing the outside part of it.”

“ She's not here, dude. You're like ultra smart already. What would you need her help for?”

“Like I said, I need her help for designing the outside part.”

“Oh, go figure.” Julie said.

Synthia and Bryan were the best of pals. Synthia was like amazing with designing things, and she always had a thing for science though she hated studying.

“ I will tell her to drop in in the evening. We are going out and we will be back like only later.”

As Bryan sat down to eat his breakfast, Jake came running down.

 “ I can't give you a ride today. I have to go for football coaching like in another half an hour.”

Julie looked at her mother and smiled.

“Um, Jake? I um, I never asked you for a ride, did I? I am going out with my friends, and THEY are giving me a


“Whatever. Mom, what's for breakfast? I am starved. I hardly ate anything yesterday. Cathy kept me running all around town for shopping.”

“ It's scrambled eggs and pancakes today. Help yourself honey.”

“ Ooh, yummy. Bees make such delicious honey.”

“ Dude, that was so random.” Bryan said, rolling his eyes.

Mr. Roberts came into the dining room, with a newspaper in his hand.

“Where are the bees? Nobody hurt, right?”

Now Julie couldn't control it. She started laughing so hard, and her mom was trying to control it too.

David Roberts looked bewildered. “ I didn't say anything funny, did I?”

“Oh dad, you're a riot!”

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