Chapter 12 (:

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"I was thinking about asking Brian to give Laurent tutorial sessions to catch up with his school work. He however insisted you help him out, as you guys are next door neighbhors."

Laurent grinned at her.

Is Laurent trying to make her life miserable? Why does he want me to teach him? Oh no. This isn't good. 

Julie smiled faintly. “Okay, Ms. Cathy. It would be my pleasure. I'll work out the timings with him later.”

Laurent said, “ Thank you, Ms. Cathy. We must get going now. I have chemistry lab next.”

“Oh, yes. Julie, just show him the way, dear. See you tomorrow. Oh wait. There's something else I need to speak to you about. Meet me after school.”

Julie said yes, and led Laurent outside the class.

Julie glared at Laurent. "What are you trying to do? Are you trying to make my life miserable? I don't want to tutor you! The last thing I want is be involved with you in anyway!"

"Erm," Laurent looked slightly embarassed. "Why do you hate me so much? I'm like the most lovable person on this planet."

"You call that lovable? What's wrong with you? I've never seen a more arrogant person who thinks way too much about himself!"

Laurent was quiet.

"Why don't you ask DIARA to help you out? Clearly you adore her." Julie said.

"Ha! I knew it! You are jealous, aren't you?"

"OH MY GOD! You are impossible! Ugh! To prove you wrong, we'll work out the timings later. I have cheerleading classes after school everyday, and no doubt you'll be on the football team as well. So naturally, we will both be busy. Just take the next right and your class is the third one on the left. See you later. Bye.” Julie said, very irritated.

Julie went to her chemistry lab. She was lab partners with Michael Gordan. The two were pretty good friends. Julie reached her class a few seconds early, shocking Michael.

“Hey, Ms. Perfect. How come you are just on time, today? Aren't you the one always yelling at me for being late?”

“Nah. I was just showing some new kid the way to his classroom.” Julie said, casually.

Martha was in chemistry as well. And she just happened to have heard Julie.

“Some new kid, huh?” She raised her eyebrow.

“Wait, who is this kid?” Michael asked.

“ You won't believe it. The Laurent Nicolas.” Martha grinned.

“What? No way! Julie, what were you thinking? Some new kid? Gahh.” Michael said.

Julie was really frustrated. She didn't want to tutor Laurent. Ugh! I really don't like that guy! But she has to, to prove that she doesn't like him one bit. That would mean she would have to see him more than she wanted to.

“Yeah, some new kid. A new kid is a new kid, right?” Michael just looked at her.

“Dude. Nu uh. He's the Laurent Nicolas. Ohhhh right, face palm. You're the one who's not crazy about him. I should have known.”

“Alright enough about him. Let's start our chemistry experiment.” Julie chided him. 

Martha rolled her eyes. She went back to her table. But Michael didn't let Julie go easily.

“ We haven't even started. Tell me what's he like. Does he like the jock kind or the geeky kind?”

Julie sighed. She realized she didn't really have a choice. So she tried to tell Michael just as little as possible about him, to make him satisfied.

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