Chapter 20 (:

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And a few weeks away, the finals commenced.

Julie, Synthia, and the rest of relay team members were stretching. 

"Alright girls, this is it. We have one hundred, two hundred, four hundred singles, and four hundred, eight hundred relays. This is what we've been training for all along. Come on! Go go go!" Mr. Thomas said.

"Hey girls, we can do it! Goooooo team!" Synthia cried.

"Attention please. Sprinters are required to assemble at the starting point for the four hundred meters relay. The other runners are expected to stand in their places." the comperer said.

"Okay Synthia. Good luckk," Julie said, hugging Synthia.

Synthia let out a sigh, and walked to the starting point. Julie, and the other two girls went to their place.

This is my thing, Synthia thought. I can do this. Phooosh.

"On your mark, get set.." Gun shot.

Synthia ran, but didn't run as fast as she could, in order to save her energy for the single events. Her other team members were fast enough to bridge the gaps, so she didn't worry much. She passed the baton to Rashme Iyer, who passed it to Dona Williams, and then to Julie. While the other team members were still catching up, Julie had to be fast enough to maintain the distance. She almost made it till the end, but stumbled a few meters before the finishing line. Dismayed, she sprinted, and managed to tie with their rival school, LakeClaw View High.

"What was that all about, " Synthia asked.

"I have no idea," Julie said, panting.

"Julie, out. Tina, you're in for the 800 meters relay. Julie seems tired." Mr. Thomas said.

"Mr. Thomas, I'm fine. I can run." Julie said.

"No, enough. You seem fatigued. I don't want you running. End of story."

Julie mumbled fine, while Synthia looked at her sympathetically, but had to focus on her other competitions.  

Synthia managed to give her team a lead, but Dona dropped the baton, so they came in second. 

When all the girls came to their meeting point, Mr. Thomas was red in the face. 

"Girls! What is happening? We are behind by two points! Even if Synthia bags first in the one hundred and two hundred relay, we will be losing!" Mr. Thomas said.

"Mr.Thomas, Julie can do it. Please let her run!" Rashme said.

Julie was thrilled that someone still believed in her. She felt terrible that she stumbled.

"Yes, Mr. Thomas, She's the next best one in our team!" Dona chimed in.

"I feel tired too!" Tina said.

"Alright, I wont let you down, this time, Mr. Thomas, " Julie said.

"Let's do this," Synthia said, fist bumping Julie.

"All runners please assemble at the starting point." The compere said.

Julie, still nervous, walked with Synthia to the line. I need to do this, I can do this, I shall do this, Julie chanted in her mind, like a mantra. It seemed to give her peace.

When the gun shot took place, Julie ran as fast as she could, and much to her surprise bagged first place. Synthia came in at close second.

Five minutes later, they were asked to assemble for the two hundred meter run. All the runners were exhausted, so it gave them all an equal edge. This time, Synthia bagged the first prize, and Julie bagged the third. 

"This year's athletic championship goes to...."

"Lakeford View High School," the compere shouted.

"OMG!!! We did it! We did it!!" Synthia cried with joy.

All the girls cheered and dance and Mr. Thomas was as proud as can be.

Ready, Set, and Cheer!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن