Chapter 1 (:

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Disclaimer: I've done my research on cheerleading, but with the limited knowledge I have, there might be some mistakes. Point them out if you want, so that I can correct it. :)

Chapter 1

The crowd grew silent, as they watched her do back tucks in the air, and followed by triple cartwheels and a split. And just as soon as the room became silent, the cheers erupted, followed by stamping of feet and cheer leading. "Give us more, give us more," the crowd chanted. She turned to the three judges who were nodding at each other. Then they turned and looked at her. And they gave her a smile and three perfect tens.

Juliana Roberts felt herself stirring. She didn't want the dream to stop but she didn't want it to continue either, in the fear that it might turn out into something else. In the middle of yawning however, she felt something slimy beside her. As slimy as a snake.

And then she actually saw it.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, " she shouted and jumped off her bed and only after five whole minutes, did she realize it was a fake one.

She saw the tip of Bryan Robert's head, her 11 year old brother. And when he could control it no longer, he started laughing, making a sound that sounded like laughter and hissing mixed together.

"GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW," Julie yelled.

Bryan stopped laughing.

"Gee, sorry Jul, but I just wanted to check the amount of time it took for a reflex action to take place."

Nerdy much?

Julie sighed. "You had to try it on me? Especially when I was about to get into Chipgal?"

Maybe if Bryan hadn't snorted, she would have forgiven him, but as he was leaving, he stuck his tongue out and made gagging noises. Julie threw her stuffed bear at him and went back to bed. The dream was by far, the best one, and then, Bryan just had to ruin it, she thought.

It was seven A.M., a lovely Saturday, during mid September, and she wasn't feeling sleepy either, thanks to that fright she just had. She was also too tired to practice. She had stayed after school till six pm the previous evening for her cheerleading practice and there were only two more days left till the big day.

The day the leader got selected for the team.

Julie got dressed up and went down for her breakfast. 

"Good morning, honey. Did you sleep well yesterday night?" Mrs. Roberts asked.

"Yeah mom, morning. I was having a fantastic dream and Bryan gave me the perfect ending." Julie said sarcastically, glaring at Bryan, who pretended he was feeling bad.

"Julie, nuh uh, not at the table. Be a role model for your younger brother." Mrs. Roberts said.

"Hey, Cheeseball, pass the maple syrup." Julie's older brother, Jake said.

"Jake, stop calling me that. Sheesh," Julie said.

It was hard enough that she had to be awakened from a wonderful dream and that she had a pile of homework left, and now she was being called names.

" I am going to my room, mom. I have a report to complete. Don't let anyone in my room."

" Okay Hon, but you didn't finish your breakfast."

" I am not hungry."

" Alright, but I will keep your breakfast in the fridge. Just remember to take it later."

Julie was a sixteen year old junior in Lakeford View High school, Valley Ranch, Texas. She had blue eyes, just like everyone else in her family, and just got dark aqua blue streaks to her already strawberry blonde hair. At five ft six  inches tall, Julie was good looking with flawless tanned skin. She lived in the Almond Park Neighborhood, which was quite a posh one.

 Her brother Jake was a blond freshman in the Texas University, and was a straight A student as well as on the football team.

Bryan was a red haired eighth grader in Lakeford View Middle school, and was smartest kid in the school. So it was no surprise that Julie was in the honor roll every year. 

Julie's dad was the CEO of the Star Banks company and her mother was a lawyer and they were very well off.

Julie always dreamed of being a cheer leader, and was the team captain of her troupe ever since her 6th grade. There were eight of them, including her, on the team. Mary Lewis, Martha Lewis, Andrea Lee, Synthia Maria Higgins, Diara Simmons, Lydia Evans, and Grace Lee. 

Only five of them; Mary, Martha, Andrea and Synthia, and Julie were best friends.

Julie surfed the net and got the required information on blue whales. She started making the chart with pictures of blue whales she drew herself when she got a call.

"Coming mother."

Julie ran down the stairs and picked up the phone. " Um, hello, Julie here."

"Oh, sorry Julie dear, for disturbing you early in the morning. I got a phone call from the principal, and he wants the captain of the cheerleading team now," her cheerleading coach, Ms. Minnie said. "There's a lot of work for the captain to do."

"Oh no, I still need a little more practice."

" The Football coach said that the games are coming up in two weeks, so all the paper work has to be turned in by today. Just make sure you are at the school track in 30 minutes, okay?"

" What? Thirty more minutes? Um, okay, I will be there. Thank you, Ms.Minnie, bye." Julie hung up and started panicking.

"Mom, what am I going to do? The tryouts start like in another 30 minutes, and I need to practice a little bit more. Oh no!" Julie moaned.

" Wait, maybe I can drop you. Will that help?" Jake coined in.

" Really? Oh my gosh, thank you so much, Jake. I really appreciate it."

" But you owe me one big time."

Julie waved that off. She was used to all that. One time she had to hand wash his two day old stinky, sweaty football jersey and not tell mom, because he forgot to put it in the washing machine, and their mom hates that. And the other day, she had to wash his car till it became sparkling clean. Boy, wasn't that hard, she thought.

Julie went back to her room, wrapped up her project, did a few warm ups and hoped that she could make do with whatever she had learned. She hadn't had enough time to practice her signature steps as she made it only the day before. Julie was always good at cheerleading. But of course, she did get a few butterflies in her stomach before she has to perform. It will have to do, she just told herself.

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