Chapter 27 (:

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Wait, did he hear what she said, right?

"You have to date me," Diara repeated.

Laurent's worst nightmare was confirmed. It was definitely going to be a big blow to Julie. He loves her, not Diara. Diara was just a hot bimbo. Julie was a girl of wonder. But again, it was his best and only option. What choice did he have?

Laurent took a deep breath as Diara carefully watched him. "Alright."

Diara smirked. She leaned over him, gave him a light peck on the lips, and left.


"Your seminars will take place in less than a week. I expect you to have been really prepared by then," Ms. Elmore barked. The tension was getting to her, as it was the exam season. "Laurent and Diara, I expect you both to coordinate and do Julie's part of the seminar. It is most unfortunate that she wont be able to do it."

Diara playfully winked at Laurent, and turned to Ms. Elmore. "Don't worry, Ms. Elmore. We'll totally nail it." 

The whole school knew Diara and Laurent were going out. Diara kept making out with Laurent. From the outside, it would appear as though Laurent was pretty into Diara, but the actual scenario was that Laurent absolutely hated it. He hated being forced to date her, but it was because of his stupidity and arrogance that got him into this sticky situation.

Synthia, Mary, Martha, and Andrea had no idea how they were going to break this news to Julie. She was already having a tough time with her health, and they all knew Julie really liked Laurent. They had never seen her so happy.

Laurent tried to talk to Synthia, but none of the girls gave him their time. Ryan only shut up cause he was still the king of the reign and could snog whomever he wanted, including Diara, which of course, Laurent didn't know about.

Laurent had to, time and again go to Synthia's house to do Julie's seminar. But when it became a one too many heavy make out sessions, Laurent gave up, and told Diara to do both her's and Julie's. One good thing from going out with Diara was that he knew she was a scheming witch. For all he knew, Diara could do only her half of the seminar, get full grades, leaving Laurent to stutter up an excuse as to why he couldn't do the other half, all because Diara's dad donated half a million dollars to the school every year.

Now, he knew for sure that he couldn't do the seminar, coz Diara just wouldn't let him. So He decided to tell Ms. Elmore in advance, in case Diara planned something, which she definitely would. 

Unfortunately for him, Diara overheard the conversation.

"Ms. Elmore, I'm afraid I can't do Julie's part of the seminar. The music sessions are choking me to the full." Laurent said, wistfully.

"Hmm, have you spoken to Diara about this?" she asked.

"Yes, we came to a mutual agreement," he said.

"Ms. Elmore nodded. " Alright, off you go." she smiled.

That smartass, Diara thought. Two can play a game, she thought, grimly.


Two days before Diara had to leave for the essay competition, Laurent happened to eavesdrop on a conversation between Diara and Ryan. He was walking towards the men's restroom, when he heard two voices. He peeped into the janitor's closet, and found Diara and Ryan kissing.

That bloody witch, he thought. Ugh!

He continued to the eavesdrop.

"The badass was smart enough to rat me out to Ms.Elmore. He caught me into a little trap. I'm planning to tell Julie. I've been waiting for this moment for so long. I need to see her cry. And desperately hurt. The way she made ME feel, when someone I liked went after her. I need back up," Diara said.

"Anything for you," Ryan said, his eyes full of lust.

Laurent's anger knew no bounds. He needed to tell Julie before Diara did! She was going to get hurt either ways, but it was better coming from him than Diara!

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