Bartender (Sal x Reader)

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"I want to go out!" Your friend shouted from your couch. You groaned loudly. You were standing in the kitchen pitching plan ideas to her. "(Y/N)! Stop it! We haven't gone on in forever!" I sped down and stared at her with an unenthusiastic look.

"The last times we went out you disappear towards the end of the night with some guy, leaving me alone. I'm done with it." You said. She glared back at you, annoyed. You didn't understand why, that's really what she did.

"I swear I won't do it (Y/N)! Besides this bar is superrrr chill! It's not half dance club, it's half restaurant! It's basically where girls go for a girls' night out and guys go to watch a sports game!" She explained. You had to admit, it sounded like a nice place to go to hang out with her. Not to mention, you weren't in the mood for a intense headache from the booming bass of a dance club.

"I'm down." You said. She shot up from the couch, clapping her hand. "But if you leave me for some guy we're never going out again!"

"I won't I swear! In fact I won't even get drunk! I'll just have like one or two glasses!"

"Fine just let me get dress and we'll get going, alright?" You said. She nodded while smiling wildly. She was so happy that after months you'll both go out.

"Oh my god." Your friend mumbled. You looked at the slightly tipsy woman right in front of you. She was starting dreamily at a man, who was chatting with his group of buddies while staring back. It was all going well, you guess too well. The bar was chill with just a lot of down groups huddled at a table, chatting. The music wasn't so intense that you could feel the bass rattle your body. In fact, the music was some enjoyable classic rock. Your friend was on a third bottle of beer which wasn't awful but she was definitely tipsy.

"Hey, remember what you promised?" You asked. She looked at you sadly.

"But I'm not drunk, you know where I went if I go over there, and I don't think you've noticed this but the bartender has been looking at you all night." She said. Your heart began to race. She had to be messing with you! She had to of noticed you looking at him when you both walked in. She had to notice you thinking that he was an attractive person, who, based on his smile as he spoke to a customer, had to be a super sweet guy.

"Listen, I don't know if you're just saying that cause you're tipsy and you want to mess with, but I need you to be 100 percent honest and tell me if he really was checking me out." You said. She was a little shocked by your sincerity but smiled.

"Why don't you look over and see him doing it then." She said, in a teasing voice. You slowly turned a bit. You noticed him looking directly at you while another guy spoke to him. A small smile began to form at the corner of his mouth. You returned the small smile. The man who spoke to the bartender patted his shoulder which made him turn back. You quickly went back to your friend who was staring at her love interest.

"So my friend..." She turned to you with a smirk. "Are we going to go talk to them or let our potential boyfriend get away?" She asked. You took a deep breath to let your heart slow down.

"We're gonna go for it....well you are...confidently....I don't know about myself..." You mumbled. Your friend quickly slammed her hand down on the table which made you gasp.

"(Y/N)! That is not a good way to think! In fact I won't allow you to speak that way! Go talk that guy right now!" She demanded. You nodded, kinda leaning away from her.

"I will I swear. Now you go ahead cause I know you got this in the bag." You said. She bit her lip and looked over at the guy.

"Thanks. Now go talk to the bartender soon or I'll come back over here and drag you over to him." She said. You laughed a bit and shooed her away. She happily walked over to her man. You stared at the almost empty beer in your hand and took one more good swig until there wasn't a drop left. I totally got this! He's into me and I'm into him so what's the worst that could happen? Of course the second you thought that, possible bad situations filled your head.

"Damnit." You whispered under your breath.

"Excuse me?" You looked up. There stood the bartender, holding a glass of something. "Mind if I sit here?" He asked. You smiled.

"Not at all." You said. He lowered himself into the seat and passed you the glass.

"This is for you. Made by yours truly. Not to mention it's in the house." He said. You smiled before taking a small sip. As you expected by the bright color of the drink, it was a fruity alcoholic drink.

"Wow that's amazing! You made this?" You asked. He smiled proudly and nodded. "And what is your name so I can give you a proper thank you."

"My name's Sal. What's your name?" He asked. You took one more sip wondering what this amazing drink was.

"Well thank you Sal. My name is (Y/N)." You said.

"(Y/N). A beautiful name." He said. You smiled. You both continued to talk all throughout the night. You had both moved to the bar since Sal still had to do his work. He seemed almost annoyed whenever some called him over. The later it got the more obnoxious the drinkies got.

"Hey Sal! Quit flirting on the job and get me another beer!" A man would scream. His lackeys would burst into laughter like it was the funniest thing they've ever heard in their lives. Sal would sigh annoyed and continually apologize for their crude behavior. You would always feel him it was okay because honestly you found it kinda funny.

"Are they always like this?" You asked. He shrugged.

"They're not that bad. They just like to mess around. They're my regular customers and I like to make friends with my customers." He explained. You smiled at how sweet he was. The bar started to calm down after awhile which helped you and Sal conversation last for awhile. The next thing you knew the bar was completely empty except for the two of you.

"Oh it's 2:15 am?" You asked. The time flew by so fast you honestly thought it was only about 12:30 am. Sal laughed a bit.

"I guess it is. Time really does fly when your having fun." He said. You laughed.

"That's true." You said. It went silently and you both kinda just stared into each other's eyes.

"Kinda sucks that it's closing time.... I don't really want to close up if it means we have to end this lovely conversation." He said. You looked away shyly.

"I agree. But I would be happy to give you my number so we can continue this another time. Perhaps when you're not working." You said. He smiled.

"I would love that so much." He took out his phone and unlocked it for you.

"You go ahead and type it...." he looked over at all the messy tables. "I'm gonna go and cleaned up this disaster." You laughed and watched him sulk over to the table with a tub to put the dirty dishes in and some cleaner. You typed in your number, smiling. You were happy that your friend convinced you to go out and that you could met Sal. You walked over and set the phone on the freshly cleaned table.

"I'll see you around Sal. Text me when your available." You said. He smiled and planted a small kiss on your cheek.

"Goodbye (Y/N)" He said. You rubbed his shoulder and headed out of the bar. You looked at him one more time and blushed at his extremely happy face.

Jokers and You! (Impractical Jokers x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora