I'm Done Hiding It, I Love You! (Murr x Reader)

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"What's wrong?" Q asked for the millionth time. You just kept your head down, using your fingers to trace things on the picnic table.

"Nothing..." You mumbled. You had been in an awful mood ever since your friend sent you a video of Q and girl making out at a bar. After that she sent a few pictures of them all over each other.  That was a couple days ago and you still felt like shit.

"I took you to the pier to have fun." He said. You looked at him.

"I know Q." You said. He rolled his eyes.

"Then have fun or we can just go home cause you're kinda pissing me off." He said.

"Everything pisses you off you prick." You said. He leaned in to you.

"What the fuck is your problem?" He asked. You stared into Q's eyes.

"You're an ass for no reason." You said. His hands clenched into tight fists.

"You're the one being moody for no reason." He growled. "Are you on your period or something?" You looked at him with more rage.

"I can't believe you just said that! God sometimes I just wanna-"

"Hey guys!" You both looked over to see Murr jogging up to the table. You smiled a bit. Q looked away with his normal pissed off look. This change in him made you sick in your stomach but you didn't know what to do. Break ups were a nightmare to you with this short tempered guy you were worried what he would do.

"Hey Murr." You said. Murr sat down next to Q. Q looked down at his phone.

"I gotta go." He said. He stood up and shoved his phone into his pocket. "Murr drive (Y/N) home." He said, looking over at you.

"Bye." You said. Murr looked at the two of you.

"Oh sure." He said smiling at you. He watched Q stomp off. "Geez he's in a rush." He said laughing a bit. He looked back at you to see you crying. "Oh (Y/N)! You don't have to worry! I'll take you home." He said rubbing your shoulder. You shook your head. People walking by looked at Murr in disgust, thinking he made you upset.

"That's not the problem!" You yelled. He looked around nervously.

"What is it?" He asked.

"It's Q. He's cheated on me! He's probably going to fuck that slut right now." You sobbed. Murr mouth dropped.

"But...why would he do that?!" He yelled. You shrugged.

"I don't know! He's a dick! He doesn't care about me! I should have known! He was acting so annoyed with me! He only spent time with me in the morning then ditched me! I'm such an idiot!" You yelled.

"(Y/N) don't say that! He's the idiot for doing that! You're right about that girl she's a slut for doing that." He said. He noticed an arcade. "Hey lets go have some fun." He said pointing to it. You turned around and looked at it. You took a deep breath.

"Sure." You mumbled. He smiled.

"Good. Now come on. I'm gonna beat you at every game." He said. You chuckled.

"Yeah right." You mumbled.

**Two Hours Later***


"Yess!" You yelled. You had kicked Murr's ass at Mortal Kombat!

"Damn it how are you so good?!" He asked. You shrugged.

"You just suck." You said. He rolled his eyes.

"Can we just go eat? I'm starving!" He said. You nodded.

"Sure!" You said. You both decided to grab two slices of pizza from a vender at the pier.

"Listen I don't wanna make you sad again but are you going to break up with Q?" He asked. You sighed.

"I have to but I'm scared. I can't keep dating him cause he'll just yell at me and make me feel like shit. But he'll go off when I break up with him." You said. Murr grabbed your hand.

"(Y/N), do you- hell and me, the favor and dump his cheating ass right here right now." He said.

"What?" You asked. He sighed.

"(Y/N), I love you, please dump him so I can treat you right." He said. You felt a burst of confidence go through you. The right person for you was your awful boyfriend and yours best friend all along. You smiled.

"I will." You said. You quickly dialed Q's number. You ready to break off this one month relationship. You couldn't help but to wonder how long Q had been cheating. He had started the weirdness two weeks into the relationship but who knows.

"Hello?" Q huffed.

"Hiya Q." You said. You looked Murr nervously which made him squeeze your hand.

"What's up (Y/N)?" Q said your name louder than the rest of the sentence. You took a deep breath.

"Don't bother Q. I know your with another woman." You said.

"What are you talking about? Are you still in a mood?" He growled.

"I got the pictures and videos of you snogging that whore at that bar." You said. The line was silent.

"Who sent you those? They're lying." He said. You rolled your eyes.

"How are they lying if there's photography evidence of you kissing a woman? Plus you've treated me like shit week two of us dating. I'm sick of it. I'm done with you!! I hope it was all worth it." You said. Q didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry...." He said.

"Don't even! It's too late Q! Fuck you were done! DONE!" You yelled hanging up the phone. Murr smiled.

"Good job." He said. You smiled back.

"Thank you Murr." You said. You felt amazing to have that weight lifted off your shoulders.

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