The Kailey Vulcano Incident (Sal x Reader)

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This is kinda weird but I thought it would be funny to do.

Murr's POV

"Alright now let's see....hopefully he still lives in his old house." I said to myself. I hopped onto the nearby bus. The future isn't as advance as I thought it would be. I got off the bus and walked a block to get to Sal's house. I gulped hoping Sal still lived here. I peaked through the window (I'm not a creep!) to see who was inside. I saw Sal and...(Y/N)? Why is she...they kissed?! I can't believe it! (Y/N) hooked up! That's so funny! They mess with each other so much.

"Mom! Dad!" A woman raced down the stairs.

"What's up Kailey?" Sal asked. Wow and they had a kid? This is surreal....she's kinda hot too. Suddenly I had and idea. Sal may have had a burrito but I'll have his daughter's taco. But the question

"I'm going out to the bar with my friends." Kailey said. (Y/N) and Sal nodded. Hmm that's how.


"Go back to your hotel room?" The drunk Kailey asked. I nodded. Being the genius I am I ran to a hotel and got room. I had a enough time because who leaves a club before midnight?

"Who says the fun has to stop?" I asked with a smirk. I bought her one more drink and she was willing to come to my hotel. My full proof plan had succeeded.

*Next morning*

Third person POV

You and Sal were twice as outraged when you woke up in the morning when you both say that Kailey was still not home. "Where the hell is she?!" Sal yelled. You shrugged.

"I don't know Sal but she's got me worried sick..." You mumbled. He hugged you.

"Same here! I know she's old enough to go out but to not call us?! Outta the question." He said. You nodded. Your cell phone rang. You quickly took it out.

"It's Kailey!" You said. He tried to take the phone but you pushed him away and answered it. "Kailey! I'm so glad you finally answered! Where have you been?! You scared me and your father!" You yelled.

"I'm sorry mom..." Kailey mumbled. You can hear you choking up.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" You asked, looking over at Sal. He looked at you concerned.

"Well I was awaken today by a random woman who turned out to be a maid of the hotel, who told me that the man who I slept with-"

"You slept with someone!" You gasped. Sal went back to an angry glare. He tried to take the phone again but you slapped his hand away.

"Yes mom I'm sorry but he got me drunk." Kailey took a deep breath. "Anyways, she told me the man checked outta the room leaving me behind!"

"That's awful!" You said. She sniffled.

"Now I'm a huge mess." She said. You frowned.

"Ok well come home and you can rest." You said.

"Thank mom. I love you." She said with more cheer in her voice.

"I love you too." You said. You hang up and turned to Sal. "She got a one night stand...." You mumbled. Sal sighed.

"I don't even know what to say anymore." He said. You frowned. "I'm gonna hunt down that bastard and I'm gonna kill him." You laughed a bit.

"Please do Sal." You said.

*Back to present*

"Man Sal, that's gotta suck for you." You said with a bit of a laugh. Murr had just told Sal that he had sex with his future daughter which to you was kinda funny. Murr bit back a smile.

"Hey if was your daughter you would be upset!" Sal yelled. Murr burst into a fit of laughter. You, Sal and Q gave each other a confused look.

"What's so funny about that?" You asked. Murr smirked like he has this whole damn time.

"I know something about you two in the future..." He said.

"What's about us?" Sal asked. Murr slid over a picture. You picked it up and saw you and Sal. You were wearing a wedding dress and Sal had a tuxedo on. Both yours and Sal's face turned red.

"No way." Q mumbled peaking over at the photo. He knew you two didn't get along.

"Yes, so not only do you guys fall in love and get also got busy." Murr said. You looked at him disgusted.

"You're a creep." You said. Murr laughed.

"Creep? I think you mean a genius!" He said. You shook your head.

"What did I do to you?! You had sex with my daughter!" You said.

"Well this wasn't my plan at first but it all worked out in the end!" Murr smiled. Sal stood up and walked off. You sighed.

"So you and bout that?" Q asked. You shook your head.

"Shut up." You said. He shrugged.

"Kinda figured..." He said.

"Same here." Murr said. You both looked at the screen. The future is fucking crazy.

Jokers and You! (Impractical Jokers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now