Harmless Staring (Q x Reader)

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This is based off of a scene in Sweeny Todd scene. I'm gonna add a more happy ending to it. Also keep in mind the setting is London 1846.

You walked up to the window to stare out. Your dad told you that the outside world was too dangerous for you. You sighed. Your eyes went to that man who usually sat on that bench on the sidewalk. He was reading a book. You set your head on the glass and smiled. He looked up and made eye contact with you. The side of his lip curled into a smile. He stood up and slowly walked closer to the big house you sat in. The mans name was Brian Quinn. He never seen you before and didn't know the mayor had a daughter, let alone a beautiful one.

"Spare change! Sir? Ma'am?" An old woman said, shaking a can. Brian stopped her and put some coins in her can.

"Thank you! Thank you!" She said repeatedly. Brian nodded and stopped her from walking away.

"That girl up there, what could you tell me about her?" He asked. She looked up at you.

"Ohhh she's the mayors daughter. Poor thing isn't aloud outside. Her name is (Y/N)." She said. Brian smiled.

"(Y/N).." He whispered. "What a beautiful name." The old woman wandered off, shaking her can. He walked forward a few more steps to see you closer. You batted your eyes at him and his smile got wider. Your smile faded when you heard the door open. You quick left the window. Brian slowly walked away, still staring at the window seeing if you'll return. He froze as the front door slowly opened. Could it be her? Brian thought to himself. The old mayor stood in the doorway.

"Come in." He said. Brian slowly walked into the house. He looked around hoping he might see you.

"How can I help you sir?" He asked. The mayor get very close to Brian's face very fast with a threatening look.

"You better stop staring at my daughter. She's a beautiful woman and doesn't deserve a disgusting man like you. If I find you anywhere near this house ya hear?" He asked. Brian quickly nodded.

"Show him out." The mayor said to his assistant. The mayor walked off.

"You shouldn't-!" Brian tried to confront the mayor but the assistant got Brian across the face with his cane. Brian stumbled to the ground taking heavy breaths. He scrambled to his feet. The assistant violently shoved him outta the front door. Brian fell into his stomach. He sat there for a moments feeling defeated.

"Sir?" A soft voice called. Brian kept his head low. He felt hands grab his shoulders. He looked up to see you down on yours knees besides him.

"(Y/N)." He said with a huge smile. You shushed him but smiled back.

"We cant get caught." You whispered. He quickly went to his feet. He grabbed your hands and helped you up.

"Come with me." Brian said keeping one of your hands in his. You walked with him. "I want you to run away with me." You smiled.

"Of course. I want to be with you. Even though I don't even know you're name." You said. He laughed a bit.

"It's Brian. Then it's settled. I'll get us a coach tonight. For now, you and I will be staying at a friends business." He said. You nodded. You were glad to be getting away from your evil father.

"Wait Brian." You said. He stopped. You pulled a handkerchief from your pocket and lighted dabbed the blood on his face. "That mean old assistant did that didn't he?" You asked. He nodded. "You poor thing." Brian smiled to you.

"It's alright really." He said. You shook your head and frowned. He kissed your lips.

"Don't frown. We're gonna be together now." He said. You smiled and nodded. You took his hand again and both walked off.

Jokers and You! (Impractical Jokers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now