Not Interested (Murr x Reader)

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"(Y/N)." You froze as the grown man slid beside you. You looked into the eyes of your persistent neighbor Sal, who was always trying to hit on you. "What are you doing?"

"Going home." You said. You tried to quickly get up the apartment stairs but he followed close behind.

"That's cool....are you every going to take me up on that date?" He asked. You sighed at his request. You had told him 1000 times that you didn't want to go out with him! You started out by being nice but he wouldn't take a hint. You stopped on your floor and turned to him.

"Sal, I'm sorry but you're not my type! Please just leave me alone! There's so many other girls in this building that will be more than happy to go out with you!" You figured that would end his desperation but he followed you to your door.

"But I don't want to ask any of those girls out I want to go out with you. Just one date (Y/N)? We'll have so much fun I promise." He said. You were seconds away from losing it on him! Doesn't he realize bugging a girl this much is basically harassment? You were relieved when the door diagonal from yours opened.

"Murr." You said happily. Murr turned to the two of you and smiled. You returned the smile but Sal just shot him an dirty look. He was clearly jealous of the attention you gave Murr and not him.

"Hey (Y/N)!....Hi Sal." He said. Sal nodded at him.

"Murr." He mumbled. You looked awkwardly between the two men until Sal looked over at you.

"I'll see you around (Y/N)." Sal said. You didn't bother to say anything back but you watched him as he walked down the stairs.

"Wow." Murr said when Sal was out of view. "What's his problem?" He asked. He didn't want to tell him about Sal constant pestering.

"Nothing. He's just....weird." You said. Murr nodded. He didn't know much about Sal, but he knew Sal didn't really like him. "Hey Murr?"

"Yes?" He asked. You felt butterflies start to flutter in your stomach.

"This is kinda short notice, but I was wondering if you'd like to come over and have some dinner with me?" You asked. Murr smiled at your request. He been planning on asking you out for awhile but was always too nervous to actually do it.

"I'd love to join you for dinner! What time should I be over?" He asked. You thought to yourself for a moment.

"Is 6:30 good with you?" You asked. Murr nodded within any thought.

"That's perfect. I'll see you then (Y/N)." He said. You waved to him and watched him go off to do what he needed to do. Now all you needed to do was figure what to make for dinner.

You stared down at your lasagna meal with the biggest smile on your face. Thank god for simple online recipes. You looked at the time and saw it was 6:15 pm. 15 more minutes before Murr would be here and all you had to do was get on the dress you picked out. You had taken every few minutes away from cooking to add some makeup to your face so that was completed. But you were glad you waited to put on the dress when you saw the spaghetti sauce on your t-shirt. You tossed the stained shirt into your laundry basket and put on your dress and heels. With the last few finishing touches done, you were excited to hear a soft knock on the door.

"Coming!" You said as you quickly walked to the front door. You swung open the door and saw him.

"Hi (Y/N)." Sal said with a big grin. It almost scared you how hard he was smiling at you. He examined you up and down which made you scoff. "You're looking good tonight."

"Um, thanks Sal but..I actually have a date coming over-"

"What? But every time I ask you out you say no! I thought you were ready to date or something!" He said. You were screaming on the inside. How did he not understand you weren't into him? He always made it so you had to be the harsh one.

"Sal, me and you, isn't gonna happen. I'm sorry I'm just not attracted to you as much as you're attracted to me. It's time you went after another girl and let me have my date. Do you understand?" You explained. Sal's face was readable which lead to you both just stand there, in an uncomfortable silence.

"(Y/N)?" You both looked over at Murr. He stood there in a nice suit with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He was unfazed by Sal presence but Sal was annoyed with Murr. He couldn't that Murr was the date you were referring to.

"Hi Murr!" You said, sweetly to him. You turned to Sal and lost your sweet smile. "Goodbye Sal." You said, calming. And with that, Sal silently walked down the stairs. Murr walked over to you and handed you the flowers.

"You look lovely." He said. Your mood instantly changed to pure happiness.

"Thank you Murr. You look amazing too." You stepped aside. "Come in." Murr smiled before entering your apartment. Apart of you wondered if Sal was over you or not but most of you didn't care. You were finally on a date with Murr and Sal was the least of your worries.

Jokers and You! (Impractical Jokers x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora