"I'm Okay"

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Warning: Anorexia

Don't eat, Y/N. It's the only way to not gain weight. If you do, immediately go to the bathroom and make yourself sick!

The thought ran through your head as you were looking for new recipes to make for dinner. How ironic?

Dan was off in your shared room. Probably editing a video or on twitter. You took a deep sigh as you placed a hand on your stomach.

You wished you could tell Dan about your condition. But you were to afraid of how he'll react. You knew he was a sweetheart about sensitive topics, but the thought of him reacting angry, scared you.

You turned your head from the cook book while you glanced towards the bathroom just down the hall. You bit your lip, debating if you should go in there and use your fingers on yourself.

Your foot was tapping against the wooden floor like crazy. Until you looked away, seeing your tall, handsome boyfriend, ear buds in his ears while he looks through the fridge. He came over to you, and planted a kiss on your forehead as he took a bite of his fruit.

You could slightly hear his music playing, some kind of upbeat song as he shuffled on his feet. You glanced at his piece of fruit, your stomach began to grumble. Telling you to feed yourself, but you ignored it. It took a couple of seconds before he left, while you went into the bathroom.

You shut the door behind you, a simple flick of the wrist locked it. You glanced at yourself in the mirror before kneeling in front the toilet.

You flipped the cover open, sticking your face in the hole. You brought up two fingers to your mouth. You brought your fingers into your mouth, triggering your gag reflex. You fought the urge to take them out of your mouth, until the moment you waited for came. You began to get sick.

You gripped on the toilets edges, you began to cough as well.

"I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay..." Was the only thought running through your head. You were also afraid of Dan coming to check on you.

Once you were finished, you flushed the toilet and got up to your feet. Heading to the sink to splash water on your face. Soon after you got yourself collected, you finally opened the door to leave.

Before you could exit the bathroom, you saw Dan standing in front, arms crossed with a concerned look on his face. "O-Oh, hey baby." You shy smiled at him, "are you okay?" He brought his hands to hold yours. "Yeah, I'm okay.." You kissed him on the cheek, then headed to the kitchen.

You heard heavy footsteps behind you. "For some reason I don't believe that." You instantly turned around, making him almost bump into you. "What do you mean?" You lied, pretending to not know what he saying.

"You've been getting skinny a lot quickly! At first, I thought you were working out, harshly. But then I realized, I can practically see your bones when you make a current movement." His eyes were becoming glassy with tears. You tried to hide your own tears.

"Baby, are you dealing with anorexia?" You lost your voice, shortly after he said it. The only thing you could do was nod, as you quickly ran to him, hugging him in a tight embrace.

Your knees became weak, you pulled Dan to the floor as he quickly cradled you. He softly whispered in your ear; "it's okay". He kissed your temple multiple times, trying to calm you down. Shortly after it worked.

"I-I'm sorry.. please don't be mad.." You whimpered, Dan shook his head. "I'm not mad baby. I'm disappointed that you didn't tell me sooner..."

He brought your lips to his, giving you a quick peck. "We're going to get you some help, baby. Okay?"

You nodded.


Hope you enjoyed xx

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