On Your Period

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I opened my eyes, my stomach was in pain, I looked at the clock and it was 7:32am. I groaned because of the pain in my stomach and the fact I woke up early. "Ergh.." I rolled on my back seeing if Dan, my lovely boyfriend was right beside me, but he wasn't. I thought in my head, must be out with Phil.. I gently rubbed my eyes and decided to get out of bed, my head was pounding.

As I walked down the hall of Dan and Phil's apartment, I quickly ran into the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet, I looked down and saw blood. I swore under my breath because I didn't want to have my period. I took out one of my pads, put it on my undies, did my business and quickly wash my hands. I went into the kitchen to find my phone where it usually is. By the coffee machine. I look at my phone and saw a text from Dan:

Dan: Hi love! Sorry I'm not there right at the moment, but Phil and I are going to the supermarket. Would you like anything? After we go, we're coming straight home! I can't wait to kiss your beautiful face! Xxx

I smiled and replied:

Me: Hey babe, I'm kind of on my girl thing right now so could you.. ya know.. get me some tampons? And maybe some chocolate?.. I can't wait to see you too.. I just want to cuddle. See you soon babe :) xxx

I put my phone down on the counter but before I knew, Dan texted me back:

Dan: Of course honey! I'll get you a million tampons and tons of chocolate! ;) xD. We'll definitely cuddle when I get home. Xxxx

I smiled and replied again:

Me: And this is why I am in love with you! <3 xx


"Babe, I'm home!" Dan said coming through the door. "I'm on the couch babe.." I said with a groan. Dan walked into the living room, putting a plastic bag on the coffee table. "I've missed.." He got down on his knees to get leveled to the couch "you" he said kissing my forehead. I made a whimpering sound, I sounded so pathetic but I didn't care, I was in pain and Dan seen me at my worst. "Aw babe.." He got up from his knees and set his bum on the side of the couch, he put his hand on my stomach gently. "What do you need me to do?" I shrugged. "Can you get me some meds?" He nodded and got up. Minutes later he got me the meds and water. I sat up and took them quickly. "Come cuddle me Dan" he chuckled and said "okay love, scoot over" I did as he said and we entangled our legs. "Hey, were's Phil?" I looked up at him, I had my head on his chest. "I believe he's shopping for one of his videos." He gently wrapped his arm around my back, using some pressure.

While we were cuddling on the couch, we just talked about random stuff, what videos he's going to make next and other things like that. "Heh.. the meds are working.." I said with the relive of pain. "Thats good." Dan yawned "you tired?" He nodded, "yeah just a bit." I gave him a peck on the cheek. "Lets take a nap then." I took out the blanket that was folded on the couch, and wrapped it around us. "You're very lucky that I'm on my period. I'm never this cuddley!" I laughed and put my head on his chest again. "I guess I am lucky." He kissed my the top of my head.

Minutes later, are eye lids were getting heavy. "I love you Y/N" he smiled and I said, "I love you too." Now, seconds later we fell asleep on the couch together.

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