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I don't really know what the story is but I just wanted to write it. Sorry if it sucked.

A huge thanks to the movie Dunkirk and the anonymous reader for giving me this writing prompt.

Enjoy x


"To my dearest, Y/N.
I miss you so much. The war on Dunkirk island is intense and scary. I'm very afraid that I won't make it. The Germans have taking a toll on us. Bombing the ships that sail the marines, or shooting down the pilots. I wish I was back home with you. Holding you in my arms. You are the reason that keeps me fighting for another day. I love you.
- Daniel."

I folded the piece of paper, and gave it to the messenger. With a quick thanks from him, he left to gather the other letters.

"Isn't it crazy to think, that we could possibly die today or tomorrow?" Said the Englishmen, sitting right beside me. I gave the man a shrug, "I've gotten used to it by now, we have been here on this god damn beach forever." I gave him a smirk, as I took a swig of water from my canteen. "Aah, you're from England! What part?"

"London," I turned my head to face the ocean. Some men were in the water, while some slept on the sand. "So am I. Phil," he said, bringing his hand up to shake mine. "Dan." The conversation went downhill quickly. Until he spoke up, "got a wife back home?" I shook my head, "girlfriend. Once I get back, I'm thinking of proposing. You?" He took a deep sigh, "nope. Got no one. Was hoping to go into the town to see if they were any women. But clearly I'd get shot if they saw my uniform and rifle." His comment made us laugh.

This time, our conversation ended. He lied down to rest his eyes, while I kept watch. Looking into the tall dead grass to see if anybody could be there. Thankfully, only a rat scurried by. I glanced at my old watch; the time read 16:00pm. The ship who'll take us to a different location was soon to arrive.

Off to the distance, I heard the men shout, with a mixtures of gun shots. I instantly stood up, holding my rifle. I kicked, Phil on the leg making him wake. Instantly he stood up too, putting his tin helmet back on his head.

We saw that the side of the beach had enough men on our side, shooting at the enemies. While the group and I checked the other.

Shots were fired, the bullets whizzing through the air as the skimmed by. We shot back at the Germans. Knocking them down, one by one. Some men on our side got hit, even killed. I aimed my rifle at the Germans head. With a slight touch from the trigger, the bullet hit a crossed his forehead. Blood splattered everywhere as he fell to the ground.

It seemed like I took the last man down, everything went quiet. "Ces bâtards!" Yelled out a Frenchmen as he ran towards his dead friend. "Nous allons vous manquer, mon ami." Said the French. I could barely understand him. Only "mon ami" meaning my friend.

"That was intense." Said Phil as he stood near me. I nodded, still watching the man hover over his dead friends body. Seconds later, the horn rang through the air. Signaling all of us to come to the captain. The ships have arrived.

Phil and I practically ran to the dock. We're both excited to get off the beach. It sucked that we were so far away, but made it just in time as the captain spoke. "Good evening men. As you could probably tell, the Germans are closing in around us. I've just gotten word that the second ship will be arriving at 18:00pm. Half of you will be boarded onto this ship. It'll take you back to London. We need to find another way to win this battle. Good luck."

We watched as the captain boarded onto the ship first, while the men, including Phil and I followed. Everywhere we went it was crowded. We headed downstairs from the boat where the nice nurses offered us tea and biscuits. We obviously took them. We traveled down to a bench, closest to the exit. Phil insisted we sat there.

"Why must we sit here?" I asked, sipping my tea, while I grabbed my journal to write things down. Possibly a letter to my love. "I dunno. Just have a bad feeling." I nodded while I began to write.

I hope you got my last letter. I have very exciting news. I'm on a ship, heading back to London! Once I dock, I promise to come home. I promise to hold you. As I finish this letter and send it off, this'll be my last. See you soon.
- Daniel"

"Cute." Said Phil as he looked down at my journal. Which I quickly shut it.

"Hey Phil. Could you give Y/N my journal if anything happens to me?" He nodded, smiling as I gave him it. Knowing I wouldn't be writing anymore.

Everything was going great until a huge loud rumble knocked us off our feet. The bottom of the ship began collecting water quickly. "I told you!" Phil yelled as he fought the men to get to the exit.

Water was filling up quickly. I tried pushing the men as I tried to exit out of the burning ship. But got yanked back.

The water came over mine and the others heads. Struggling to swim, put the water pressure was to strong, pushing me away while I slowly lost breath.

Panic washed over my body as I tried to fight the water. Pictures of Y/N in my head. Seconds later, I lost my breath, then passed out.

Daniel James Howell passed away June 1st, 1940. Just 3 days before the English and Frenchmen won the Battle of Dunkirk.


With a knock on the door, Y/N opened it to see a tall man, dressed in uniform, giving her a small smile. He gave her a small journal. Y/N knew what happened to her love, and the father of his child.

Tears immediately escaped her eyes as she dropped to her knees, caressing the journal. Dan's baby boy ran up to her and gave her a tight squeeze. Phil, the man who gave it to her, choked back tears while saying his condolences.

Once Y/N had calmed down a bit, Phil drove off into the night as he remembered the memories he made with Dan.

It's 2:10 in the morning and I can't sleep so I just decided to write another one. Sorry if my French sucked, and I'm sorry if you get offended.

Realize how this imagine didn't have a happy ending? That's the cold hard truth about joining the military.

Hope you enjoyed.

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