The Whisper Challenge!; requested by VictoriaKitchen

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This was requested by VictoriaKitchen!

Oh how wonderful are Dans subscribers. They asked us if we could do the whisper challenge together! But at least they were easy on us this time. One time they asked us to do the spicy food challenge, where we buy (or they send us) the most hottest foods. I was okay with a little spice, but my boyfriend Dan on the other hand wasn't too happy. But lets just say we had to wash our eyes out and cry.

"Hey Dan, you ready?" I said, I was sitting on his bed, legs crossed. "Yeah, one second." He opened one of his cupboards in his room which held the soundproof headphones. "Excited?" He asked me, I shrugged. "Yeah, I guess." He grinned. "Well, I'm very excited." I rolled my eyes, thinking he'll prank me. "Let's just do this."

After a whole 30 minutes, trying to figure out our new camera. Because someday had to drink a lot, usually known as Dan and knocked it over. But that's okay, it happens. I did that before too.

"Finally, its done!" Dan said in excitement. He cleared his throat, and hit the record button. "Hello internet, Dan and Y/N here and today we're doing the whisper challenge! First off, sorry if the camera isn't zooming correctly, we had to buy a new one after an incident.." He glanced at me, we laughed. I cut in, "anyways, if you don't know what this challenge is, one of us has to put on sound proof headphones, while it's playing super loud music. Each of us will have to wear them while the other one has to tell us a sentence, over and over again until you get it. Will switch after we both get it. Got it? Good."

"Who wants to go first?" Dan asked. "Rock, paper scissors?" We did the game. We tied once, and it was my turn to guess. I put on the headphones, connecting the cord into my phone and hit shuffle for the music. I did a little dance, while I watched Dan speak to the camera.

Before I knew it, Dan was swinging is arm in front of my face. "Ready?" He said. "YEAH" his eyes widened. "AM I YELLING?" He nodded. "MY BAD!"

Dan said the first sentence: "Y/N and Dan met along time ago." While he said it. He was trying to use his lips to help sound out the words. "You and I.. met.. along time ago?" He smiled, "bingo! Let's switch."

The game went on and on. Dan messed up and then I messed up. It was fun until it was Dans turn to give me a sentence.

"Will you marry me?" He asked. "Uh.. Will you kiss me??" He shook his head, but gave me a quick peck on the lips. "Will you marry me?" He said once again. I gasped finally realizing what he said. As I tore off the headphones, he was already on one knee with the ring out. "Will you make me the happiest man in the world?" Tears were streaming down my eyes. "Of course!" I tackled him, kissing him. "Thanks for watching, goodbye internet!"

We spent the rest of the day, calling our close friends and family about the engagement. While we posted it all over our social medias.
I knew that I was going to be the happiest bride ever.


Sorry I haven't posted, I hope you enjoyed it!
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