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Taking a little break from smut x

Your Daughters name - Y/D/N

Walking through the front door after a long day of work is the best feeling in the whole world. Slipping off my ugly pair of flats is a relief. I let out huge sigh, leaning against the wall to try to rub my feet. But failing because of my baby bump.

"Mummy!" I heard a sweet little voice and heavy footsteps running towards me. "Hi baby! How was your day with daddy?" I smiled at my daughter, kissing her on the forehead. "Fun!" She giggled.

"Hi babe," I looked up to see my husband, Dan holding a dish towel, wiping his hands as he smiled at me. I walked towards him, avoiding the terrible pain in my feet. Wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him in a quick kiss.

"How was work?" His hands rested on my large hips. I rolled my eyes. Work was terrible. Paper work didn't stop piling on my desk which caused stress. "Very stressful. I'm afraid the stress will hurt the baby." I placed a hand on my stomach and rubbed it gently. "It was practically a shit storm." I let my head fall on his shoulder. "Mummy swore!" Y/D/N said. "It's okay, she didn't mean to say it."

She quickly ran off to play. "Dinner will be ready soon." I kissed his lips one more time, thanking him. "Thank you, after I eat I'm going straight to the tub." He placed his strong hands on my stomach. "I'll put Y/D/N to bed after, then we'll be all by ourselves!" He said quietly. Taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen.

I went to the sink, grabbing a glass and pouring my self a glass of water. As I drank I watched Dan cook. Every so often he'll cook. I'm so thankful he chose today. "What did you two do today?" I leaned against the counter, glass still in hand. "Well, we played princess then had a tea party. Oh, and we almost burnt the house down!" He laughed. "I don't even want to know." I laughed as well, running a hand through my hair.

"Dinners ready!" Dan yelled across the house. "Yay!" Our daughter ran to the kitchen to sit at the table. Dan set her plate first, quickly digging in as the spaghetti splattered all over her face. "Slow down!" I told her, she finally took slower bites but still making a mess.

Soon to get mine, I waited for Dan to get his. We began to eat when Y/D/N asked a question. "When's baby brother coming?" She asked curiously. I set my fork down to touch my stomach. "Soon about-" my eyes went big, "what's wrong?!" Dan stood up in a panic, "relax, the baby's kicking!" I giggled. Both their hands came to rest, feeling the kicks.

"That's amazing!" Y/D/N said, "that's what you did." I kissed her forehead, which made her giggle.

About 10 minutes later we were done eating.

"Okay, bug, time for bed!" Dan said picking her up. Bug is what we call her, she was so small when she was born so the nickname has always stick. "Aww.." she pouted. I stood up, "don't worry, we'll play princesses soon." I gave her a wink and peppered light kisses all over her cheek. "Haha, mummy!" She squealed, "I love you bug!" Smiling, placing my hand on Dans shoulder before heading upstairs.

Upstairs are a pregnant woman's worst enemy. You always have to move your body a strange way to actually see the steps or be brave, and walk like a normal person. Personally, you would think I'd be a master at this by now. But nope, it takes me awhile.

FINALLY, making it to the top I walked to the master bathroom that was in Dan and I's bedroom. I didn't bother closing the bathroom door because Y/D/N is out like a light when her head hits the pillow. Stripping off my maternity clothes, I turned the tub on, filling it with warm water.

After the water filled the tub, I sat down in it. The water was practically a warm blanket, curing all the tensed muscles. Sinking down lower, making the ends of my hair get wet. I sighed to myself, this is what I needed.

"Knock, knock." I looked where the noise was. There was Dan, leaning against the door frame in his pajamas - meaning he's in his boxers and a thin shirt. I gave him a weak smile, before closing my eyes. "Massage?" He asked, hearing footsteps near me. "Please."

I sat up a bit, letting my shoulders freeze in the air. Dan adjusted himself behind me, he was sitting where the towels were. A pairs began to work, instantly hitting the knots. Leaning my head to one side, every so often kissing my neck. As I switched he did the same on that side.

I smiled, his hands were like magic. All those hours of playing video games has payed off. "You know-" he switched sides, sitting where my feet were as he began to massage one at a time. "I could help you release the tension in so other way.." he switched to my other foot, giving me a smirk. "I almost killed you last time!" I laughed but it was true. "I squeezed all the air out of you! I'm too heavy!" I crossed my arms, rolling my eyes.

"Who says we're going to have sex?" He asked sarcastically. "Oh please," a small smile on my face. "Ugh, fineee! You better help me up if you really wanna 'help'" I air quoted the 'help' part. He got up, bringing his hands as I grabbed on to them. He used all his strength to pick me up. The water fell off of me as I bent down to dry off.

"I'll be waiting in the bedroom!" He yelled as he ran off. I giggled to myself. Drying off quickly, I came to the bedroom and saw Dan on the bed.

Let me tell you this, Dan did help the stress go away.

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