Bonus Chapter

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Bonus Chapter

I got home wiping tears from my eyes. When I saw Nikki’s face I felt my heart break, but I had to do it. If my father found out…

 It would be better for Nikki if I just left her instead of putting her in danger. I would rather love her from afar then have her fall into the path of my father. Thinking of my father. I walked home and found him feeding off some human.

“Cole come join.” I look at the women to see she is out of it.

“No.” I go to walk into my room but my father pins me up against the wall.

“What did you say to me boy?” He yells in my face. I stare into his red eyes and push him off me.

“I am not in the mood.” I try to brush past him but it doesn’t work.

“Where were you?” My father has been trying to get me into the rouge side of things but I keep brushing him off.

“Why do I need to tell you?” He gives me a look and lets me leave. I walk into my room I have had since a child but the place feels cold and un-used. I decided to leave climbing out my window, going to my warehouse. The moment I enter I regret coming here. Everywhere I seem to look reminds of Nikki being here. I pick up the first thing I see and throw it across the room. I sink to the floor and drop my head. I am sick of my father dictating my life. I want him dead. I pull out a smoke and start smoking relishing in the feel of tobacco entering my lungs. By the time I have had my smoke I am not feeling any better about myself. I manage to fall asleep on the couch dreaming of how beautiful Nikki looked coming into the room.

When I wake the next morning I feel like shit. I don’t want to go to school but it’s either that or stay around here. I put on the first cloths I head off to school. When I arrive at school I listen to hear if she is hear but I don’t hear her. I walk inside and am greeted by Damon.

“Hey, awesome party last night.” I smile as I walk to homeroom. “Nikki looked amazing. She was stunning. I couldn’t believe it when I saw her.” He kept going on and on about Nikki I just wanted to punch him. As I was sitting down when I hear someone call Nikki’s name. I listen to Vixen and Nikki talk and it breaks my heart to hear how much pain is in her voice. If she understood why I had to leave it would break her. The bell rings and I sit and listen. Nikki doesn’t know it but most of the time I am listening to what people say to her. Especially in her classes. I sigh as I hear vampires giving her shit yet again. She is so strong and she doesn’t even realise it. Damon is still going about Nikki when I pick him up and slam him into the floor.

“Say one more thing about her and I swear to god I will shove my hand in your throat and pull out your damn tongue.” I growl at him and I can tell he is scared. It is moments like these that I forget I am my father’s son.  I sigh and get off him. I walk out of class ignoring my teachers attempt to bring me back. I have a free next so I spend it outside when Vixen comes up to me.

“Hey Vixen.” I say and she slaps me across the face. Ok I guess that was expected.

“Why Cole?” That is all she ask. I wish I could tell her but instead I drop my eyes to the floor. What hurts me the most is that I couldn’t give Nikki an answer when she asked why?

“I am sorry.” She gives me a sympathetic smile and she surprises me by giving me a hug.

“I love Nikki but don’t take too long to get your head out from wherever it is. She needs you Cole. She may not see it but I do. I haven’t seen Nikki this happy in a long time Cole and it all started with you.” She gives me a hug and leaves me. I didn’t know what Nikki was like before I met her but I got a good idea. I don’t know how I manage to get through the day and at the moment I am sitting outside having a smoke listening to Nikki and Vixen talk.

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