Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I feel myself go numb and I become cold very quickly. Rouge vampires killing around here, we could be next, we probably will be next. Rouge vampires have red eyes, if you drain your victim of all their blood your eyes slowly turn red and not just the rim the type Hollywood promotes. If they were killing they would go somewhere enclosed and busy like a night club. This night club was very popular. Oh my god I had to find my sister and leave. My breathing is coming out fast and I think I might faint.

"Nikki you still there?"

"Y-y-yes I have to go." I hang up my phone and my body starts to tremble.

"Nikki what’s going on? Why are you so pale?" I look to Vixen and Cole and I see worry has embedded their expressions.

"We have to leave now!" I get up but Cole and Vixen are in front of me stopping me from moving anywhere.

"You are not going anywhere until you tell us what going on Nikki.’ I take three deep breaths to try and calm myself down.

"Rouge, there are rouge vampires in the area and they a killing." Once I have said this Vixen starts crying and Cole has gone tense. I scan the crowd for Violeta but I cannot find her oh God what if they have her? No I cannot think like that I need to keep it together and think of something I turn to Vixen who is crying uncontrollably and I groan at what I have to do and I already hate myself for it.

"I know you are really going to hate me for this.’"I can feel Cole watching me as I grab Vixen’s face and stare into her eyes.

"Vixen you need to listen to me." I wait feeling the power of my words over her "You need to stop crying and lock it away until we get home, you are going to follow me and not talk unless I tell you." I wait and she nods and I know it has worked as she has that dreamy state all over her face.

"Did you just…"Cole starts but I just shut him up.

"Vixen I need to you create a binding spell that bind all three of us together like a rope, make me the conductor and  make sure you leave it open so we can add Violeta when we find her." She nods and closers her eyes and starts chanting I feel a small tug and I know it has worked. When she is done we all stand still waiting for me to move. Cole says he see my sister and starts to walk away but he only makes it three feet before he is pulled back toward me by an invisible rope.

"What the hell!" He looks at me and back to where he was just a second ago.

"It’s a binding spell, we used to do it all the time when we went to concerts. It is like an imaginary rope that holds us all together you won’t be able to move unless I do because I am the conductor. So when I start to move you will have to follow unless you want to be pulled which is what will happen." He looks annoyed for a moment but then nods in agreement 

"So, where did you see my sister?" He points and I start to walk and they follow. When we see her she is dancing with some guy who is feeding off her gross but I don’t have time to think about it.

"Violeta we have to go now!" I all but demand.

"No way can you leave but I am not." She tilts her head giving the guy more access.

"Vixen add Violeta to the bind now and close it off." She chants for a bit then she is done, next is to deal with Violeta.

"You are to stop drinking from my sister and leave this place.’"I look into his eyes and use compulsion and he moves away from use.

"You bitch you don’t…" before she can finish I am looking in her eyes.

"You are going to be quiet and stay quiet unless I ask you to talk. You are going to follow me and when we get home you may be released." She struggles for control but before long she nods and walks towards me. I turn to face Cole whose eyes are popping out of his head.

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