Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

When I wake up in the morning I feel like I have been run over by a truck. I groan and roll over onto my stomach I know I have things to do today so I get up and head into the bathroom. My ears are ringing, so I never heard the shower until I walk into the bathroom and Cole step out of the shower in only a towel and I freeze. His hair is wet and droplets of water are glistering off his chest, his towel hangs long on his hips showing his V. As my eyes run up his chest I see he has a tattoo that is script in Greek that runs from under his armpit running along his toned ribcage and stopping at his hip. His chest is very toned and pack with natural muscle. I wonder what it would be like to run my hands along it. On his shoulder he has another tattoo which starts at the top of his biceps run to his shoulder blade and stops just above his nipple, that tattoo is a series of triangles in a kind of tribal pattern. It makes me think of the tattoo my father has. I didn’t realise I was staring until Cole coughed. I blush a very deep red and look into his eyes which are swimming with amusement.

"Umm I am sorry, I didn’t know you were in here, I umm, I am just going to go." I walk out of the bathroom fast and close the door behind me and let out a huge sigh and I see Vixen sitting on my bed.

"You look a bit flustered this morning Nikki." She states and I roll my eyes.

"I just walked into the bathroom to find Cole wet and in only a towel." I blush again thinking of how good he looked and smile to myself.

"Ok, I just wanted to say thank you for last night."I look at her to see her eyes swimming with tears again.

" I am sorry I had to use compulsion on you but the last thing I needed was you crying." I say and I know she understands why I did what I did.

"That’s ok, I am safe now and that’s all that matters and I have you to thank for that." She is quite for a bit and neither of us mined.

"So how are you feeling?" I ask and put my arm around her shoulder tyring to comfort her.

"I am fine now, your mother said you would have seen me but you were very tried. I heard what you did and that is amazing." I smile and her and she smiles back.

"Well I had your help as well." She blushes. Vixen is one of those people who when they do something good they get all embarrassed about it.

"So tell me, what does Cole looks like with next to nothing on." I smile and before I could answer Cole walks out in just his jeans with a towel around his neck, he is smiling so he must have heard our conversation.

"Sorry I left my shirt in here." he smirks with his deep, rough, sexy voice I look to see Vixen staring at him while he puts his shirt on.

"Well I am going to get dressed, see you at breakfast."  Vixen leaves me with Cole and I don’t really know what to do with myself.

"Good morning." He cheers while I try to hide my embarrassment.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" I cannot sit still so I walk over to my closet which is a mess and look around for a pair of jeans and a shirt of some sort.

" I slept like the dead." I laugh and shake my head, before I can say anything Tabitha and Alex run screaming into my room like little children.

"What the hell?" I shout at them when the barge in and jump on my bed.

"We had to see." Tabitha says and Alex nods, I swear these too act like twins sometimes.

"See what? And get off my bed."They both jump off my bed and turn to Cole.

"We had to see if it was true. Violeta said there was a boy in your room and we didn’t believe her so we came to see, and boy you are hot I can see what Violeta was drooling about when she told us." I stand there opened mouth in shock, I am going to kill her. Tabitha is like a pre-teen and such a girl.

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