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"Okay. We have Gathered here to discus the disappearing of Thomas one true love, Theresa." Alby said. Then everyone in the room stared at Thomas. "what did I do m? I get that y/n and them are right but what?" Thomas said. You answered back in a time like he was stupid, " you were smart Thomas really. But sometimes you just don't get it. Oh yeah I almost forgot! They had plans to put ya somewhere like like a scorch! And there is this girl group which had Aris and this other boy called Issac in it. They switched Theresa and Arid around. But then both groups will collide and thersa and the group will I guess in ways beat up Thomas. And some of us will be kind of injured in ways." "Thanks for the information y/n. Very useful!" Alby thanked. " your welcome it is always my pleasure." You said grinning.

"Boys........... Well and y/n....... Girl. We better go out and get something. Because it smells so shucking good right now. Smells like....... Food." Chuck said. You grinned at Chuck and said, "I'm glad you said that Chuckie." Walking to the door just right after patting his shoulder with the other Gladers following you.

"Sweet! I think I could have eat this for the rest of my life without stopping!" Gally and Ben said happily while cheering, whooping, chewing and being well, crazy. "Guys. Why are boys so crazy in these situations?" You ask curiously staring at Newt. "You see love, boys and girls worlds are different. Okay?" He explained. "Babe, that is literally the dumbest explains toon I could think of. Just saying." You laughed. "Okay. Come here." Newt then grabbed your waist and carried you to your original room and then Newt started tickling you like before. "Newtie! Stop it! You know I hate this. Come on! You shank! I don't think I can even talk to you or look at you anymore! Please!" You begged Newt to stop while laughing like a little child.

"Oh shuck it. It's you again. Janson. Or should I say Rat - Man?" You said to Janson. "Yes. Hello y/n y/l/n. How are you doing?" He asked in annoyance while rolling his eyes. "I will be great after I kill you and Paige!" You said evilly as you smirked. "Oh well. These variables these days." Janson sighed. "Well anyway. You guys have another test. You will have 2 weeks to do this. You have one day to prepare. You will be needing to find the helicopters that will bring you to a sanctuary. Tomorrow, that glass pane will disappear. All of you, you guys better go or else you guys will die either way. You have Ben wrapped. After that glass pane disappears, you guys have to find your way out. Okay now. I'll leave you variables in peace." Janson announced. Then he marched off in silence.

" Guys. Get all the supplies and pack." Minho said bravely. "Minho wait. You have something on your neck...... Like words. Let me see." You said walking to Minho curiously. After that, you found out that your label was Subject A 25, The Sacrifice. "What does it mean by 'The Sacrifice'." Newt asked nervously. "I don't know. maybe it means that someone will sacrifice themselves for her or she will sacrifice herself for someone or she will tell someone to sacrifice themselves." Thomas suggested with a shrug. "Maybe." Chuck and Alby said at the same time. "Who knows." Winston said.

"I thought I would never ever say this but I kind of miss the Glade." Frypan commented. "me too." You replied.

"Guys let's go!" Minho yelled at you and the Gladers to go while clapping his hands. Suddenly the invisible glass pane disappeared and all of you guys charged. "It's like a maze. Again." Thomas commented on their second test to the Scorch. "Yeah well you better shut up. You saint - head." Ben and Gally said at the same time. "Woah woah woah. Now you are bringing this shuck thing up again huh?" Thomas said while flexing his muscles. "Firstly, you sound funny when you say the Gladers' slang. Second of all, you are weird. Third, you ain't got muscles and last of all, those two shanks are right. It is your fault. We saw what we saw. And you saw that. Am I right? Shank?" You stated wisely. The that smarty - pants nodded his head. "Guys. Can we please just get out of this place? it is kind of creepy. To be honest. And plus!" Chuck said scared and running. "Plus what?" Minho and Alby said. You noted that Alby and the other non - runners were out of breath. "Plus. I am the youngest one here." He answered truthfully. "Chuck is like deal with it." You said laughing. "High - five." Minho said laughing to with rising his hand.

"Water! Give me some shucking water." Frypan begged you runners. "Why should we?" You told Frypan. "Yeah you might cook it all up!" Minho said. "Here Fry." Newt handed Frypan the water. Aaaaaawwwww. Isn't he sweet? "Keep it going guys." Winston said encouragingly. You ran towards the light/ opening to see if it was where you guys had to go. Well actually it was more like you were sprinting. "Guys! Where here! We are finally out!" You yelled. "Woohoo! One step closer to finding Theresa!" Thomas yelled happily. The rest of you shanks rolled your eyes in annoyance. Oh well.

"Tommy. I have a question for you shank. Why DO YOU HAVE TO BE SOOOOO STUPID AND WHY DO YOU HAVE TI BE SUCH A SLINT HEAD?" You question him. "BECUAUSE You're being one." He replied. "Oh really huh? Then how about this?" Then you punched him the face really hard as you and Thomas walked with the other Gladers in the boiling hot weather. "Bloody hell guys. Just stop. Y/n. If we were still back in the Glade, you will officially be in the Slammet for a week and no food. Am I right Alby?" Newt said. "I'm so shucking afriad so. Sorry y/n." Alby answered Newt. "Yeah sorry y/n but you know the rules." Newt apologized. You sighed angrily and just ran off. "Y/n! Wait! Please I bloody didn't mean it. I swear. I was just- ju- jus- I wasn't thinking straight. I'm sorry. I was out of my freaking mind. Please. I'm so shucking sorry." Newt apologized holding back his tears to see how angry you were at him. " Fuck off. You deserved it. Slint head." You growled angrily at home as you marched off crying. Not matter how hard you tried not to cry and just hold back your tears, you just couldn't. You were stereotyped as a strong and powerful person and a third in command type of person amaong the Gladers and you didn't want to be a bad influence on them. Especially Chuck and possibly Newt. "AAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Mark yelled at a crank strangled him onto the steaming hot ground. By the time you, the mastermind an the other Gladers tried to save him, it was too late. You ran as fast as you could him in the Maze, cried and cried. You just lost one of your best friends and couldn't come back in time to save him.

"Ooooohhhhhh! Why does it have to end this way?" Chuck whined. No one answered except for Alby, "sorry Chuckie. I don't know. I shucking don't know what to say. I'm sorry." "But it didn't have to end this way. Did it?" Thomas asked. "Shut your fucking hole Thomas." You warned. "Why don't you shut your mouth then? Huh?" Minho stood up for Thomas. "Well maybe if you shut your hole too, you wouldn't have to be such and asshole then." You sassed. "Well let's have it then. A sass fight." "Bloody hell guys. You guys are one of the best shanks I know and if you two are going to be like this, that is it. We are done. Dead. Okay now Tommy, what was your question again." Newt yelled angrily. Well maybe except for the question. "Does it have to end this way? I mean Mark dying and the insane people?" Thomas asked sadly. Looking up at the blinding sky and blinking his eyes as if he was going to cry, he said, " I bloody don't know Tommy. I bloody don't know. Maybe WICKED did this. I don't know." You sighed in despair as you and the Gladers walked.

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