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After your recovery, you, Newt and Minho went out to The Maze through the South Door. You guys took a turn to the left, then to the right. You, Newt and Minho were sweating your heads off. Minho decided that the three of you should head back to the Glade. It was tiring since you just recovered from you know. You guys didn't really talk much today. After a long day, the Glade had to get ready for the new Green Bean coming up from the Box. Then you went to your room and collapsed on your bed and let out a sigh.

Then slowly you fell into deep sleep.

*Your Dream*

You were dreaming about a normal day's out the Maze, running, hanging with Ben, doing normal things, helping out the Slicers and talking to Newt and Minho. You laughing and fooling around. Doing those kind of things. Suddenly , the Grievers started coming into the Glade through the Doors. Everyone started panicking, screaming, running, hiding, some (Alby, Gally, Newt, the Runners) of the Gladers were getting weapons and everyone was relying on you to save everyone. Then you tried as hard as you can but everyone died. Including Newt and Ben. Then you fell on your knees and tears filled your eyes. You then, a Griever took you but you didn't do anything because you wanted to die because of this condition. Then you saw the people like in the Changing. There are similar people. I guess. You were screaming and telling them things that aren't even explainable and then you started swearing at them.

*End Of Your Dream*

After that, you woke up because Gally was shaking you. "Y/n! Wake up you saint head!" Gally yelled. You rubbed your eyes and made an effort to adjust to the lighting. "What?" You croaked. "You were screaming." "Oh sorry bad dream." You answered. You looked around and saw Newt glaring at you and Gally. "What now Newt?" You moaned. "Nothing." Newt lied. "Come on Newt. Gally and I are just friends." You said. "Fine. Fine. Okay. Okay." Newt said grumpily. "What is wrong with you?" You asked and walked over to you. "The Maze. You said you found tons of new routes. There could be a way out and lots more bloody routes-" "There is still one more shucking one I haven't looked at yet. But I remember the way. It's pretty far though. It will be better if I went alone." You said. "But-" "If I don't come back after three days, tell Alby I told him to send help. Just in case if I got stung, got lost, ran out of food, ran of water or badly hurt or whatever." You said. "Wait a minute. So you're going out in the Maze. AGAIN?!" Gally asked."Yes." You said. "She's crazy." Gally and Newt both said at the same time.

After you went out the Maze, you went to were you were supposed to be. You saw a Griever and killed it. Then you saw something odd. You heard something beeping. You actually cut the Griever into pieces like the Slicers would. A new greenie was supposed to be at the Glade maybe in three hours. But you didn't mind. You took the thing that was beeping and examined it. You ran and ran and the beeping got loser and louder. You knew that you were getting nearer and nearer to something. It was the way out! The exact one! The. You went back to the Glade. When you were right in front of the East Door, a Griever jumped out it stung you and right before it stung you, you threw your dagger at it. Then Newt and Ben ran to you and took the sringe. Everyone except for the green bean knew what you do. So everyone tried to stay calm.

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