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You had just come back from a day running - it was unusual as you hadn't even seen a griever. When you got back you said goodbye to newt and went for a shower.

When you came out you saw clint and went over to talk to him about work. As you discussed the latest injuries newt appeared from the homestead and walked over. A harsh look appeared on his face as he noticed Clint. You excuse yourself from the conversation with Clint and walked up to Newt. "Newt I can't do this" you said as tears entered your eyes "I can't have a boyfiend who never lets me out of his sight, who glares at every boy I speak to. Newt I just can't do it." You started to raise your voice "why are you so possessive?" Your voice broke and you turned away but Newt grabbed your arm.

"Y/N I'm like that because I love you. Because I love the way the wind catches your hair, I love the way you laugh, I love the sound of your voice when your out of breath. Y/n I love every single piece of you and there is nothing in me I can picture you loving the way I love you and I couldn't bear it if you went off with Minho or Clint because I know you can do better but I love you anyway."

Tears ms raced down your cheeks as you pulled him towards you, your lips meeting in perfect harmony. You felt sparks, fireworks, nuclear bombs. This was where you belonged, right there in his arms.

Mine Forever Newt x reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now