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"Hey guys! The girl is waking up now! Come quickly," Chuck yelled. Then some of the boys ran quickly to the Med - Jacks. And also, you ran to the Med - Jacks too. "Really? I'd call for dibs!" The Gladers start yelling. You rolling your eyes in annoyance, ignored them. Then you suddenly remembered your first day at the Glade. Newt was their observing the girl sternly and awkwardly. "Oooooiiiiii! Newt and greenie!" Minho yelled. So after you heard that, you felt a rush of jealously. "Shuck no Minho. You slinthead! And plus no. I already have a girl friend." Newt answered madly. "Oh come on we all saw you looking at the girl. You're lying shuck - face. You're cheating on y/n!" Minho stated. Tears started flowing and blurring your eyesight as you ran out the med - jacks' place.

You ran and pack up all of your things to leave. You knew the doors would close in ten minutes so you rushed packing. You packed lots and lots of different weapons. Especially daggers. You even packed lots of clothes, food, water and other stuff. You were glad that you had a lot of medical equipment and things like bandages in your room. Basically you packed everything that was yours.

After nine minutes, you ran around all the doors warming up. You went out from the north door unseen. But the doors didn't start closing. "Why aren't they closing?" You asked yourself silently. Eh whatever who cares. Maybe I should bring Gally, Ben and Chuck and Harry. So you did. Then all of you guys started packing up.

So you guys almost made it out. Back at the Glade, the Grievers were taunting the Gladers. "We're is y/n, Chuck, Gally and Ben?" Winston yelled. "I haven't seen them ever since y/n left the med - jacks' place." Zart the Fart yelled. "Yeah!" Another agreed loudly.

A few seconds later, Newt started crying because you, his girlfriend, was gone. "What could have happened to her?" He asked Thomas. "Don't know. But she should be fine."

The next day, luckily no one died. "Y/n! Chuck! Ben! Harry! And Gally!" Minho yelled. "Minho! It's all your fault that y/n and the others left. You shouldn't have said that! You slint head! What if she died!" Newt said. "I doubt that." He answered.

Back at WICKED, the others tried to comfort you about Newt.

A/n: Hey guys for who are reading this as I am adding chapters directly from my Quotev account, just so you know I'm going to take a short break. So stick around. More are coming soon.

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