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      Listen to the song in the link for the first paragraph please. Thanks guys!


Today everyone knew there was a new greenie coming up. So you Newt and Minho come back from the Maze early. You guys have been doing that for a while now. Then on the way back to the Glade, Newt pushed you. "Dude! What was that for?!" You said angrily. "For being such a bloody brat!" Newt said. You knew there was something wrong with him. "Why am I being annoying? Shouldn't you be happy? We are finally back together." You said. The you hugged him. But he didn't hug you back. Instead he pushed you. "You were dating Minho and I have a strong feeling that you still like him! That is why you're so bloody annoying y/n!" Newt answered. "WE DO NOT LIKE HIM KLUNK FACE!" Minho and you yelled. Then you turned around and ran off. So you and Newt broke up again. You seriously didn't know what was up with Newt. Five minutes later you sprinted back. You found out the doors were closing. Then Ben ran to the Doors. "No Ben!" You cried. Then Ben bumped into you and you fell in top of him. "Sorry." Both of you said awkwardly. "So what do we do now?" Ben asked. "Run or hide. I recommend we run. Right NOW!" Then a griever came you let Ben run first since you had more experience in this. You griever lunged forward and went in front of you and Ben. You threw your dagger at the Griever. The Griever wailed in pain as you and Ben ran.

Both you spent the whole night running, hiding throwing daggers. Ben was exhausted and so were you. Especially you. You felt like you were dying. Your whole body ached, you were thirsty and hungry. Well, lucky for Ben, he ate his dinner and had more water than you had. "Ben. Who's the new green bean? How does he look like?" You questioned. Ben thought for a few seconds which felt like hours. "Well. He's pretty tall. By the looks of it, he looks like seventeen. Eighteen at most. Dark hair. Longish hair up to the eyes I guess. Pretty tall. I didn't really talk to him and see him." Ben answered. "Oh okay." Both of you were hiding then. Because both of you were exhausted.

a/n: How's the story so far? I'm sorry that you and Newt keep on breaking up and making up again. But later on things will change. But not the next few chapters. Sorry. file:///Users/mackenzie/Library/Containers/com.riffsy.GIF-for-Mac/Data/Library/Application%20Support/gifkeyboard/gif/gif-keyboard-13364713723981371680.gif

After hours of running, you and Ben decided to go back to the doors of the Glade. As you were running, you and Ben were chased by five Grievers. You threw a dagger at the fourth Griever. You put your hand in your bag and could not find a single weapon in your bad. Sadly. Then you grabbed some vines from the walls in the Maze. Then you tied the Griever. Took your daggers from the four Grievers. They weren't too far. You stabbed the last ( the fifth) Griever. Ben spotted a thing beeping. You grabbed it. Gross (or yuck)! It was slimy, and covered in goo. It was all slippery and stuff. "Ben. The doors will open soon. And plus the Glade is nearby. We can go back and tell the Gladers about what we found. Come on let's go!" You suggested. "Yeah sure." Ben followed you.

As you almost got the the doors of the Glade, the doors started opening. You and Ben just sprinted in. Everyone said glad you're safe and things like that. You called a gathering and then you and Ben talked about what you guys found in the Maze. After a long time you said, "guys, I need to find out what happened before we can here. To the Glade. I need to know who were the shucking Creators. What those such faces did to us. So. I'm going to sting myself with this." Before anyone could stop or / and argue, you stung yourself. There were loads of those things that when you got stung, they help you to get better. So it didn't matter as much.

You were in this tube killed with water. It was humongous. You saw almost all the boys in the Glade. You looked angry, scared, worried and a mixture of different feelings. You saw a boy and a girl outside around your age. Possibly fifteen, sixteen? You hugging Newt. "She's dangerous. Y/n. She's different. She's Paige's and Janson's daughter. That might not seem much. She never understood like the others. If she gets her memories back, it's goof and bad. Mainly bad. She's going to kill us. For sure." The girl said. The boy nodded. They look at you guys with awe. They both mouthed sorry. You bubbled with anger. Not just at that time. Going through the changing was painful, depressing and it makes everyone angry and worried whoever goes through it. You saw doctors working on you. They said to calm down. But you didn't. Then you saw a man and a woman. You cursed them, swore (bad words) and did nasty things. "You can't do this to them!" You yelled. "Yes. Yes we can. But for a good cause. Don't forget. WICKED IS GOOD." The man and woman both said in despair. Those were the words you saw on the beetle blades. You saw lots of nasty things. But you swore to yourself that you would not forget these memories.

You screamed as loud as you could when you woke up. Ben was there. So were Minho, Alby, Jeff, Newt, Frypan and Gally. "Y/n/n. You alright?" Ben asked. "Nope. My Whole body aches." You said. Gally passed some food for you to eat. "Thank you so much Ben and Gally. No thank you Newt. Shuck face." "Yeah right." Newt said.

"So what do you see?" Alby asked. You explained everything in detail. Everyone had worried looks on their faces. They all agreed that you didn't do anything.

The next day you and Newt had a huge argument. It was unbearable.

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