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       " Y/n, what do you feel about your second bonfire?" Abby asked. "I don'y know. Never actually thought about it." You said honestly. So apparently the greenie's name was Jeff (My name is JeffMy name is Jeff - YouTube

NEW My Name is Jeff Vine Compilation BEST FUNNY Vines ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=utLaZrrP...). "Hey Alby," Clint greeted, "So it the greenie trying out for a builder tomorrow?" "Yeah!"Abby replied and making it sound obvious. "Okay." "Hey y/n! How does it feel like being promoted?" Minho asked. "Feels great!" You replied with a smile. "Hey Jeff." You greeted. "Hey.........." "Y/n." "Okay thanks. How long have you guys been here? I mean like all of you." "I don't know really. probably a year and a few months I guess. Maybe you should ask him. He was the first one to come here." "Oh......." Jeff said in an unfortunate way," thanks y/n."

You went off wrestling with Gally and you won again. Then you went to Jeff. "Y/n, you are bruised."Jeff realized. "Na, it is alright. It is just nothing really. I go out into the Maze and come back with some bruises and cuts. Not all the time. But quite a few times. Oh yeah, did anyone give you the tour and told you the rules yet?" You asked. "Yeah Alby did." Jeff said like it was obvious. "Okay. And are you sure you know the rules?" You asked. "Yes." Jeff said. "Okay great." Then Newt was coming towards you guys looking jealous and mad. "Y/n, what are you doing?" He asked. "Nothing just talking." "Just talking? Oh really?" "Yes! What do you expect? I'm the only girl here." You said calmly. "Hey um I'll go and get a drink." Jeff said innocently. "Okay." You said," and sorry about that." "Okay fine. I'm sorry." Newt said and then he hugged you tightly. You hugged him back. "Hey Newt, I- I can't breath." You said. "Oh sorry." Then Newt pulled apart. After a minute of awkward silence Newt leaned forward for a kiss. It was more passionate than last time. And you like it more than last time.

As both of you were slowly running out of breath, Jeff interrupted. "Um, hey guys? I brought each of you a drink." Both of you pulled apart, feeling embarrassed. "Thanks Jeff." "Your welcome guys. And sorry about that.""Nah, it's alright you shank." "Wow, y/n. You're finally saying it." "Okay." The three hung out for the rest of the bonfire.

"Great bonfire guys! We have a tiring day ahead of us. You know how it is! Except y/n. Just saying." Abby sad. You and Newt. Slept together under the sky full of stars. "Newt! Stop chasing me! You know I'm slow at running comparing to you!" You said while laughing. "Oh come on y/n! You're not that bad! You killed a griever. Remember?" "Yeah yeah I'm remember." You said irritatedly. Both of you kept on chasing each other quietly since everyone was sleeping. In the end, both of you feel asleep at midnight. Everyone sleeps early in the Glade. Just letting you know.

"Guys wake up! Both of you shucking shanks slept in for like half an hour and I've bee trying to wake you up the whole time!" Minho said while shaking you guys. "Fine, fine were sorry you bloody piece of klunk." Newt replied. You and Newt got ready as quickly as you guys could. "Sorry about that Minho." You apologized. "Next time you're dead." He replied. "Oh come on! It's only my first month!" "Yeah! Not your first two weeks!" "Fine you win!" You surrendered. You started with a slow jog then sped up and caught up with a slow jog. "Guys I'm tired! Can we stop for a water break now?" You complained. "Come on y/n/n." Newt said. "Yeah were almost there!" Minho said. Then in less than a minute or so, the three of you arrived to the Glade.

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