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"You just need a few stitches there and their." Jeff said while stitching your right arm and Clint did the other arm. Sooner or later the box's siren went on. Beep beep beep. Then everyone panicked except for Gally, Minho, Alby, Newt, you, Clint and Jeff. Both of the med - jacks quickly stitched you and Ben up and then went out side to help the ones who weren't panicking to calm down. "Yo ! Shanks can down." You yelled at the Gladers.

After the box opened, Newt and Alby went down to see the new greenie. "We've got a second greenie this month." Alby said. "I knew it! I knew there was something up to Thomas!" Gally yelled. "Gally slim your bloody hole!" Newt yelled back. "It's a bloody girl." Newt said. "I'd called for dibs! Is she hot?" Everyone said. Maybe except

for your gang. "Come on one one is hotter than y/ n!" Someone in your gang said. "Bloody hell! No one call y:n hot except for me!" Newt shot back as you blushed. And then there were wolf whistles again.

"Bring the greenie up you shanks!" Alby commanded. " Thomas! Thomas!" The unconscious she - greenie gasped.

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