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After you came back to the Glade, you ran straight to the showering place. To shower obviously. After a long shower, you went to your bedroom which was in the homestead. It has expanded quite a bit due to the greanbeans who were also known as the newbies. When you weren't running, you were working as a Med - Jack. Which you kind of enjoyed. But you enjoyed being a runner the most. After you were done with your bedroom, you went to eat dinner with the other Gladers. It was great.

After dinner, Newt said, "y/n, I have a surprise for you. Come with me." You and Newt walked for a long time. Then he agreed to carry you. Both of you had a great time. The two of you thought it was remarkable. Soon, you guys were at a meadow. You guys chased each other. Suddenly, Newt caught you and started tickling you until you laughed you head off.

Both of you feel asleep there and began you daily routines.

The Medow:


Mine Forever Newt x reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now