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"Newt, can I please go out today just to get some fresh air and do something please?" You asked. "Nope. And I can just open this shucking window." He replied. "But I need to get something form my room." You said again. "I'll get it for you and Minho will watch you. What do you need from your bloody room?" Newt asked. "Well, (What ever you need), (Whatever you need), ( and so on)." You said.

Ten minutes later, Newt came back with everything you needed. You thanked him and started to do your thing. In the mean time, Newt and Minho were having a quiet talk. Maybe a boy talk? You really didn't know. Overall it was pretty boring. Everyone did their job and talked and then ate and so on. Nothing much really.

Mine Forever Newt x reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now