Chapter 52 - Sleeping with the Enemy.

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Even though Abel never was never scared of anything, he was pretty nervous about America. The environment never comforted him. Since everyone stereotypically looked at him as a racist, he never felt comfortable. And just like Kayson and the others, he hated it in America. The food to him tasted like pure trash, and the thick air around him smelled like nothing but a wasteland of pollution, gas, and non-recycled items. Abel walked out of his hotel room, grabbing a small bag of chips out of the vending machine. He walked back into his hotel room, cutting on the TV.

Suddenly, he heard the loud clicking of a gun. When he turned his head, he saw Aunt Shay pointing a gun at him.

"Don't move." Aunt Shay growled.

Abel turned to her, giving her a blunt look as he placed his hands up by his shoulders.

"Lord." Abel growled as he rolled his eyes. "Is that the first thing you American's resort to is guns?"

"You took my damn grandchildren and you think that I give a damn about you making fun of me for resorting to a gun?" Aunt Shay growled. "Do you think I won't shoot your brains out right now?"

"Oh, you can shoot my brains out. But know this. You shoot me, your 'grandkids' will go right to hating you and acting like you haven't existed for the last decade like it has been." Abel said, slowly cracking a small smile. "You kill me, Kayson will snap, Iyana will cry, and Lily will break. You wouldn't want to do that now, do you?"

Aunt Shay kept the gun on Abel, giving him a furious look.

"Now let's get down to business and talk about what you came here to talk about so I can go to bed." Abel scoffed.

Aunt Shay eased into a chair inside of the hotel, keeping the gun on him and keeping her same furious look on her face.

"You already know what I'm here to talk about, so talk." Aunt Shay demanded, talking through her teeth. "And if you bullshit throughout this conversation, I'll have the cops down here and have them arrest you on 4 counts of kidnapping. What the hell have you been doing with my grandchildren."

"Raising them right, "Aunt Shay"." Abel smiled.

Aunt Shay scrunched her eyebrows at him, giving him a funny look.

"How do y-"

"Know your name? Hah. I knew all about the kids before I picked them up." Abel smiled. "You think I just picked up the kids and took them for no reason?"

"How was I supposed to kn-"

"You know what I did? I stopped in California, traveling through slum after slum. I paid two interns to find children in a troubled neighborhood who couldn't bother to get raised by their poor fucking excuses for parents and guess who they found?" Abel smiled. "Isaiah, Asha, Noah, and Tyler."

"My sons were doing a damn good job at raising their kids-"

"Oh really? Really!? What mom do you know continues to sell drugs and keep them in the house with their son and daughter? What "mother" prostitutes AFTER she has her daughter?" Abel laughed. "What type of father goes to hospitals to make fun of their damn patients only to come home and argue with their daughters mother in FRONT of her? What father promotes their 5 year old to use foul language that is horrible for a damn adult-"

"My children did the BEST that they could damnit and I'm not gonna take this bullshit from some Indian child kidnapping scumbag!" Aunt Shay barked, pointing to herself.

"And THATS why your grandchildren call me dad, and that worthless piece of shit nothin-"

Before Abel could finish his sentence, Aunt Shay shot him in the arm with her silencer. Abel flew back into the dresser, moaning as he held onto his arm. Abel clutched his upper shoulder, slumping against the wall and laughing.

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