Chapter 6 - Culprit.

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The detectives stepped in with Aunt Shay's phone, shutting the door an sitting back down at the table. Detective Blandy gave Aunt Shay a sketchy look, pulling his notepad out to write where Detective Howard left off.

"Alright, have you been being completely honest with us, Mrs. Steels?" Detective Blandy asked.

"Yes." Aunt Shay answered.

Detective Blandy gave her a blank look, leaning back in his chair, crossing his legs, and placing the back of his pen in the clenches of his teeth.

"What would you say if I said that there were a few inconsistencies in your statement?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well Mrs. Steels, we found that in your phone, you didn't call us until 4:00am." Detective Howard said. "You told us that you called us around 3:30am."

"Okay, so I didn't keep track of the time. So what?" Aunt Shay scowled. "I wasn't worried about that at the time. I was worried about my grandbabies!"

"We also found here that you called out to another number that wasn't your sons BEFORE calling us, and this number led us to one of our most convicted felons in California. He called you back soon after." Detective Howard continued. "He has prior arrests on kidnapping as well."

Aunt Shay was confused. As the officer showed her the number that called out on her phone, she thought to herself and laid back a little.

"I never.......I never called that number?" Aunt Shay said, shaking her head. "I have no clue where that number came from!"

"So it just, magically appeared in your phone as calling out?" Detective Blandy chuckled. "That makes no sense, Mrs. Steels."

Aunt Shay gave the detectives a serious look, pausing for a while.

"Are you trying to say that I had something to do with my grandchildren missing?" Aunt Shay growled lowly.

"Well, did you?"

"I would put a bullet to my head before I EVER thought of harming any of my grandchildren!" Aunt Shay barked.

"Listen, as detectives, we have no choice but to ask these questions." Detective Blandy said. "Now if you could take a lie detector test, we'd clear you ou-"


Detective Howard gave her a disappointed look, shaking his head.

"So you're not willing to clear yourself out to prove your innocence."

"I don't need to take no damn lie detector test to prove that I didn't hurt my grandchildren, damnit!" Aunt Shay scowled, banging on the table.

"Why don't you just do it to clear yourself out so we can move onto other suspects?" Detective Blandy shrugged.

Suspects. The word 'Suspects'. Aunt Shay placed her hands up, grabbing her purse and walking out of the room.

"This interview is over." Aunt Shay growled. "I will not sit here and be falsely accused of killing my own grandkids."

To be honest, I would've done the same thing that Aunt Shay did. I wouldn't dare let anyone accuse me of murdering any of my family members when I knew that I was I was innocent.

However, how did Aunt Shay not remember calling out to a number?

As the sunset began to lower into the valley horizons, Kayson had worked in the field and planted vegetables for almost 4 hours straight. Tired and exhausted, Kayson wiped his forehead and walked into the house with his muddy shoes and hands.

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