Chapter 20 - Dead Ends. [Part 2.]

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Isaiah turned around to Carlos, giving him an agitated look.

"Scuse me?"

"Look, we been at it for days and these leads are gettin' us nowhere!" Carlos scowled. "I doubt that the kids is even here!"

"What do you mean you doubt that the kids are here?" Noah snarled, jumping into the conversation. "You heard what those men said before we killed them!"

"And how the hell do you know if they were tellin' the truth?" Carlos snarled back at him. "Have you not been in Schaefer before?"

"So what you tellin' me to do?" Isaiah growled. "Give up?"

"The kids could still be dead and we could be lookin' for nothin'!" Carlos snapped. "You know how them niggas in Schaefer are when it come to confessin' and killin' kids! They never admit to it!"

"I heard Kayson and Lily on the fucking phone!"

"That could've been anyone! Anything!" Carlos scowled. "They could've played a previously recorded tape to throw you off! You ain't thinkin', Isaiah!"

Carlos shook his head, leaning back on the couch and shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, but I ain't lookin' no more." Carlos said, shaking his head. "I'm bookin' my flight back to Cali, tomorrow."

Isaiah glanced at all of us, watching us not move. He tucked in his lip, quickly placing his hand out and smacking his leg.

"So, that's how all y'all felt too, huh?" Isaiah growled.

None of us said anything, but we agreed. And I could tell through Isaiah's face that he knew that we agreed as well. Isaiah clenched his jaw, grabbing the stack of flyers and heading out of the door.

"Fuck y'all. ALL y'all some sell out muhfucka's! Especially you Asha considerin' the fact that yo' damn daughter is out there, too!" Isaiah scowled as he barged out of the hotel. "I'll go look for 'em myself!"

"And I'm comin' with you, Isaiah." Noah growled, shaking his head and walking out. "Tsssss."

Damn. I felt bad. However, I was honestly on Carlos's side. By the leads we were getting, I honestly didn't think that the kids were alive anymore. And being that Carlos was one of the the most experienced OG's in Schaefer, I was understanding everything he was saying.

But as for Kayson, he was living the 5 year old life.

For the whole week, interviewers were pouring in. He beat a the top track record in his city, so people were trying to interview him from left to right. But with Abel's schedule, he wasn't worried about the interviews. In fact, he turned all of them down. He was only worried about doing one thing and one thing only.

"Show me how to flip and cock your revolver." Abel nodded as he sat beside him on the large farmland.

In one motion, Kayson flipped the gun between his fingers and cocked it off safety. This was something else that Abel taught him. On top of the gates of the ranch, sat 5 empty cans of beans that Abel sat out.

"Now I want you to shoot each and every can off of the ranch." Abel demanded in a low tone. "If you miss one, you're doing drills. You should be able to do it well by now."

Kayson closed one of his eyes and lifted the gun, firing and hitting each and every can within a 5 second time span. As all of them fell off, Abel nodded his head and smiled down at him.

"Excellent. Tomorrow, we're going to practice targets." Abel said. "Now go inside and eat breakfast so you can prepare to plant some more tomatoes."

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